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  1. Nucleus

    How to join Pakistan Air Force (PAF)?

    I hope so :( thanks for cheering me up!
  2. Nucleus

    How to join Pakistan Air Force (PAF)?

    Yeah that seems to be the only option left :( And I don't think there will be any vacancies for GDP when I'm done with my A Levels (two years later, i.e. 2012) :|
  3. Nucleus

    How to join Pakistan Air Force (PAF)?

    I thought that I could go to one of the PAF schools just after O Levels (equal to matric) but it seems they select students under 8th class? while I'm done with my O levels already... =( I can't take admission in F.sc classes of PAF school right?
  4. Nucleus

    How to join Pakistan Air Force (PAF)?

    What are your qualifications? I think you deserve to join something better than Police atleast!
  5. Nucleus

    Introduction to ROTC

    Thanks, exactly which I was looking for :) so if I too go to USA on student visa, will I be able to do ROTC without having US nationality? and also, suppose I have joined ROTC, now after completing it, will I be able to go to PAF? or will I be forced to serve USAF? thanks again :)
  6. Nucleus

    Introduction to ROTC

    ok sorry for not making my questions clear, please read the edited question, thanks
  7. Nucleus

    Introduction to ROTC

    no, why? :usflag: ;)
  8. Nucleus

    Introduction to ROTC

    Hello :) EDIT: to make it simple, please tell what ROTC is (despite not being a US Citizen) :blah: thanks
  9. Nucleus

    Hillary Clinton Visit to Pakistan

    I don't see why we (pakistanis) always blame India, Israel and the US for everything.. =/
  10. Nucleus

    How to join Pakistan Air Force (PAF)?

    you both are right, I have seen many people who get rejected and then turn against the armed forces but at the same time, I feel bad too when hearing about this sifarish, its true that nowadays, PAF looks for nothing except big sifarish, I better go USAF where there is NO sifarish :usflag...
  11. Nucleus

    Israelis are becoming less confident of the US ability to control Pakistan's nukes

    Although I'm a Pakistani but I must agree with you. :tup:
  12. Nucleus

    One and just one place you wish to see before you die!!!

    Would like visit the Moon :)
  13. Nucleus

    Air Force Question Thread

    hehe I haven't even completed my A-Levels yet :p
  14. Nucleus

    Air Force Question Thread

    haha, maybe that's a normal attitude in army :P Thanks for the info
  15. Nucleus

    Air Force Question Thread

    I have the same questions Someone please reply.. Thanks
  16. Nucleus

    PAF the right place to go for me?

    Thanks dude :)
  17. Nucleus

    PAF the right place to go for me?

    Thanks Sir, I Understand :)
  18. Nucleus

    PAF the right place to go for me?

    yes it's true and so I'm Confused I'll think more, its still plenty of time :pop:
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