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  1. DiehardPakNerd

    Can India go behind enemy lines to target Hafeez Saeed and Dawood Ibrahim?

    Dude these slogans and pics are raised against terrorists attacking shias not sunnis.
  2. DiehardPakNerd

    Can India go behind enemy lines to target Hafeez Saeed and Dawood Ibrahim?

    @Geek GOOGLE ..ID RATHER OOGLE .. TRY WRITING ISLAM AND YOULL FIND ALL KINDS OF DEROGATORY CRAP... I dont need to Google shoogle I live in Pakistan. I've lived in Sunshine, In punjab ,In Azad Kashmir and even Balochistan..I won't be needing information from you and Google And if youre referinh...
  3. DiehardPakNerd

    Can India go behind enemy lines to target Hafeez Saeed and Dawood Ibrahim?

    Nope Pakistani posts are in reaction and if you really wanna represent your country you ought to do it with solid stuff not your opinion based crap. And if Iraq is muslim problem still You are a hindu country uve got no say in it,let the muslims deal with it... So what if 50 million shias live...
  4. DiehardPakNerd

    `Pak politicians want to resolve Kashmir - but military won't allow this'

    Tameez ki baat dekho kar kon raha hai, jisay yeh tak nahi pata ka khawateen se baat kesay kartay hain.. but thats not your fault, its your cultural trait unfortunately
  5. DiehardPakNerd

    Can India go behind enemy lines to target Hafeez Saeed and Dawood Ibrahim?

    @Geek you aare the one telling me sunnis are ISIS! Which they are not and for the lazillionth time.Pakistan has its own problems to deal, we have never been interested in Syria,Iraq,Egypt ..the only mistake we made to go to Afghanistan has taught us enough. And Kashmir is an entirely different...
  6. DiehardPakNerd

    Can India go behind enemy lines to target Hafeez Saeed and Dawood Ibrahim?

    No body said that dumbster.again you're self assuming things.
  7. DiehardPakNerd

    Can India go behind enemy lines to target Hafeez Saeed and Dawood Ibrahim?

    @Geek and we are talking Pakistan now, I have no say or interest in Iraq.. However your FALSE assumptions about shias in Pakistan need to be reconsidered. And FYI Its not the sunnis who kill shias,its terrorists and terrorist cannot be actually divided or grouped whether as sunni muslims or shia...
  8. DiehardPakNerd

    Can India go behind enemy lines to target Hafeez Saeed and Dawood Ibrahim?

    I don't believe a word you say And I already said Iraqi problem is not ours. Let them deal with theirs.You indians should deal yours and let Pakistan deal its own probs And so what dude its a Pakistani forum ..its indians who are intruding. Why dont you vent your emotions on a FORUM OWNED BY...
  9. DiehardPakNerd

    Can India go behind enemy lines to target Hafeez Saeed and Dawood Ibrahim?

    No one apparently ..he just hired for damaging public property And look who's talking and how? Baat aisay kartay ho jesay doodh peetay kakay ho, hum se zyada tum ko pata hai k yeh banda kya hai or kiun hai..cuz obviously yeh her 2nd indian ka profession hai apart from prostitution
  10. DiehardPakNerd

    Can India go behind enemy lines to target Hafeez Saeed and Dawood Ibrahim?

    @Geek. Dude Again youre wrong we have nothing to do with Iraq thats their own problems with USA and secondly Who's being killed in Balochistan??? Where do you get this news from No one except indian terrorists are killing in Balochistam and everybody knows it. Thirdly. .do u have anything...
  11. DiehardPakNerd

    Can India go behind enemy lines to target Hafeez Saeed and Dawood Ibrahim?

    Muhaahahahahahahqhahaahabbaaaa Haha lolzzz Are you *ucking serious .. Guys someone tell that idiot what shias are... No dude I love every person of my country irrespective of their division. secondly those who dont believe in HAZRAT MUHAMMAD (PBUH) ARE NON- MUSLIM MINORITIES BY THE...
  12. DiehardPakNerd

    Can India go behind enemy lines to target Hafeez Saeed and Dawood Ibrahim?

    Yes he is, even UN declares him terrorist. The entire western world had reservations aabout his extremist designs. And yeah why should I look and waste my self to find out indian hyped POVs just like all the indians on PDF do. They dont even reconsider before commenting. The level of absurdity...
  13. DiehardPakNerd

    Can India go behind enemy lines to target Hafeez Saeed and Dawood Ibrahim?

    And dude if you have the slightest of brains you will easily understand this. "We are not killing SHIAS THE AFGHANISTANI AND INDIAN TERRORISTS ARE." And if you have any doubts go check out the ratio of number of shia muslims killed versus no. Of others. And secondly Its Pakistan, we ain't...
  14. DiehardPakNerd

    Can India go behind enemy lines to target Hafeez Saeed and Dawood Ibrahim?

    Like all your indian friends show open hatred for Islam.. All of your country men claiming how bad islam is, blaming all world problems on muslims. The way you are killing the muslims of Assam and Kashmir. The way your present PM had carried out open massacre of gujrati muslims not long ago...
  15. DiehardPakNerd

    Can India go behind enemy lines to target Hafeez Saeed and Dawood Ibrahim?

    In greeks not hindus. Who was Jabir bin Haiyan,AlKhwarizmi,AlBeruni,BuAliSina,UmarKhayam and thousands more . FYI thats what you think ..Islam is the only religion that teaches respect and grants equal rights to non-muslims as that of muslims and in return only ask for respect of the Prophet and...
  16. DiehardPakNerd

    Can India go behind enemy lines to target Hafeez Saeed and Dawood Ibrahim?

    Because its their land...india has occupied it. The indians ought to leave not the muslims
  17. DiehardPakNerd

    Can India go behind enemy lines to target Hafeez Saeed and Dawood Ibrahim?

    God I seriously appreciate the confidence with which you lie and deny open truth and fact!! Always trying to make yourselves seem angels..like thats gonna work :mad:
  18. DiehardPakNerd

    Can India go behind enemy lines to target Hafeez Saeed and Dawood Ibrahim?

    Go check out some history ..if it wasn't for the muslim sscientists and technologists... the present world would be in stone age..Tgw world owes the basics of all sciences and 1000 years of scientific development to muslims be it ottomans, arabs, ummayyads or abbasids..and many many more.. so...
  19. DiehardPakNerd

    Pakistani boy gets 'new life' in India

    I agree and to be honest ..we especially the social media idiots need to stop fueling hatred..Move on..South Asia needs peace and it can only come by indo-pak friendship.. I don't understand on one side people are trying to increase trade, make relations better and establish peace..on the other...
  20. DiehardPakNerd

    Can India go behind enemy lines to target Hafeez Saeed and Dawood Ibrahim?

    You can still keep dreaming. Go ask the people why there was no investigation and go ask why USA itself claims that it all happened by Pakistans consent
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