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  1. Murshad

    General Akhtar Abdul Rahman: Architect of the death of USSR

    When God had mercy on us and Gen Zia-i-Haq vanished in thin air, to some extent state owned media was successful in creating a sympathy factor for those who died with Gen Zia-i-Haq. After his “shahadat” right wing intellectuals portrayed Gen Zia not less than “Amir ul Momineen”. He was buried...
  2. Murshad

    Maj Gen.(r) Rashid Qureshi using dirty language on air

    Wise men say that a person’s language reflects his class, his company and his moral values………………………..and I believe in this:agree:
  3. Murshad

    Maj Gen.(r) Rashid Qureshi using dirty language on air

    Oh yes serving this country for years but so lucky he belongs to class which gets “reward” for every single “service”. These stories of such rewards are in every news paper
  4. Murshad

    Maj Gen.(r) Rashid Qureshi using dirty language on air

    Javed Ch. as a student sympathizer of religious student organization, as a journalist known as among those with some mysterious connections with “lafafa” group. With mushroom growth of news channels so many people are now “anchors” . Some time the lack of knowledge of...
  5. Murshad

    Pakistan in Australia 2009-2010

    never say this Pak eleven most unpredictable eleven
  6. Murshad

    Pakistan in Australia 2009-2010

    We need some good prays. One can not predict we Pak eleven can do. Most destructive team in the world that can even destroy itself one more down:hitwall: Yousuf caught and bowled one more gone 77/5 Misbah-ul-Haq crackes under pressure
  7. Murshad

    Welcome to the Afghanistan of Arabia.

    Yemen, the likely source of the failed Christmas Day airliner bombing at Detroit, has just rudely intruded into the west's awareness. Sources there claim the attack by a young Nigerian was retaliation for extensive covert U.S. military operations in Yemen. I first explored Yemen in the...
  8. Murshad

    Today's PPP is Spot on Real PPP

    This is a real-time story of three sons of the motherland and their exceptional bravery and courage. Write describes their last moments in their death cells and tells that there was not even a “hair line” fear in their eyes and how they laid their lives on ideological front. Then writer...
  9. Murshad

    Today's PPP is Spot on Real PPP

    My Dear when these dauntless soldiers were bravely challenging the brutal military dictator’s rule Baber Awan was jamaat-i-islami’s fanatic activist Farooq Naik was tying a marriage knot with Kawaja Safdar’s daughter, Kawaja Safdar a military dictator’s right hand and Rehamn Malik...
  10. Murshad

    Pakistan marks second death anniversary of Benazir Bhutto

    A tribute to Daughter of the East, with excerpts of her own voice
  11. Murshad

    Pakistan marks second death anniversary of Benazir Bhutto

    First time an international political stalwart claimed that Osma bin Laden murdered. This was censored afterwards. That’s why some said she knew too much and was a obstacle in the action plans of certain “powers” One of the reson some say why she is assassinated.
  12. Murshad

    Pakistan marks second death anniversary of Benazir Bhutto

    ’تم کتنے بھٹو مارو گے‘ جو قریہ قریہ ماتم ہے اور بست&#1740...
  13. Murshad

    MQM’s coming of age?

    What happened, had happened but we should dig the past, just a little bit, to make record straight and for right future • 1980s charred bodies of pathans were usually found, which chemical was used for burning bodies • All police officers involved in 1992 operation were murdered one by one...
  14. Murshad

    Legend of Ayub Khan.

    My dear friend this guy is I think official historian of PAF. This article is actually about PAF. Opening lines are no doubt about Gen Eyub Khan, but this is like more than standard procedure. I am able to count about 70 lines just two and half lines even those are not convincingly written about...
  15. Murshad

    Legend of Ayub Khan.

    Do you still believe my friend he actually wrote himself this book;)
  16. Murshad

    Legend of Ayub Khan.

    Another legend of Gen Eyub Khan JASHN-E-FATAH by captain Gohor Eyub Khan in Karachi and what happened then is history now
  17. Murshad

    Legend of Ayub Khan.

    No my dear not only he, every single military ruler was the best after Quaid-i-Azam. Gen Zia-i-Haq even rose to the ranks of Amir-ul- Momenien. Quaid was not even close to that.
  18. Murshad

    Legend of Ayub Khan.

    One more legend of this “great” soldier At one people from services used to have god like image among masses. Highly respected and honored. Even heroes of even romantic novels used to be military officer. But from his era these feeling started vanished, in Gen Zia-i-Haq’s period it became...
  19. Murshad

    Legend of Ayub Khan.

    Court martial of a Gen is the tradition which is not our army’s tradition. Can some one tell me how many times it happened, I think none. Only action I remember against ay Gen ranked officer is in Gen Asif Nawaz Gunjua’s tenur on some moral issues.
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