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  1. Khalids

    Zardari as a president of pakistan

    Jesi rooh wesey farishtey. He's got a good sense of humor. It can be seen when he is talking about a matter seriously.
  2. Khalids

    Rift in PML-Nawaz

    These are not even political leaders. They treat the parties like their personal assets.
  3. Khalids

    TTP puts RS 10 crore on Rehman Malik

    Would this Noor Sayyed tell this nation that from where these Ten Caror come from? American dollars here too?
  4. Khalids

    Imran Khan as Pak PM

    Plus social affairs, may be, but not a PM. Certainly. We need a genius not only an honest or hard worker. If honesty is the standard then what about 'Sattaar edgi'. Edhi is better organizer and manager too. Imran is still a cricket captain, haven't seen democratic traits in him. He is rather...
  5. Khalids

    Second Editorial: Imran Khan on Talibanisation

    The point I was trying to make was that he may be thinking that his proposal of stopping military operation against the reaction of Taliban may be a better solution, but he is not conscious of its repercussions. I feel that his one sided inclination towards Taliban is nothing different from...
  6. Khalids

    India says no to compensation for blocking Chenab in Aug ‘08

    Hamid Mir has a say on Sindh Taas Treaty in his today's column http://jang.com.pk/jang/jun2009-daily/29-06-2009/col3.htm
  7. Khalids

    Growth of Islam in Europe

    Increase in Muslim population doesn't mean Islamic population. Islamic population bears distinct character that today's Muslims lack. Muslims already have many Islamic republics just because they have majority of Muslims, nothing else of Islam. So no use of some more Islamic republics on world...
  8. Khalids

    Arrested former MNA was carrying Baitullah's letter for ex-ISI General

    Surprisingly, no one is pin pointing Mullahs' clear role in the game. And running after the speculations and assumptions. Dear members! what do you think about MMA's former MNA role in these hard times. What should we do with these pious men. This should be the issue talked about. Please see...
  9. Khalids

    Hilarious: Of Lahore, Rome and Prickliness

    All the blames go to Shakespear who wrote these lines. When you attend the assembly session after so much drinking, the result will not be different than this. They say in Urdu "MarooN Ghutna phootay Aankh".
  10. Khalids

    Arrested former MNA was carrying Baitullah's letter for ex-ISI General

    My question: Is image of an institution more important than the image of the nation? An other question: Should a person be unhooked just because he has been an ex-MNA and relates to some big religeous parties? An other one: Should the hypocrite Mullahs given so much importance...
  11. Khalids

    An important but highly "sensitive" question

    Do you think that a "secret", "sensitive" and "official" Pakistani site would be having members from general pulic? Strange inquiry, I think.
  12. Khalids

    Portraits of Pakistan’s founder removed from President House

    That is why, perhaps, Pakistani establishment don't like PPP. Pakistanis should hold a strong protest against this unlawful, unloyal act of the government.
  13. Khalids

    Second Editorial: Imran Khan on Talibanisation

    But he is trying hard to travel in two boats simutaneously. I think politics involve a lot of timing, Imran lacks this sense. He has mistimed his shots in politics more than once, better if he sticks to his health and education reform role in Pakistan. Politics is not his cup of tea, becuse it...
  14. Khalids

    New provinces and provincial autonomy

    Why not debate this matter on the basis of whether we really need new provinces on administrative grounds or not? I think, we need new provinces.
  15. Khalids

    Chak Shehzad Power Scandal

    Dear Opinion7861! It was NRO that let these people come back to Pakistan and enventually into power. If Musharraf had made a decision and held it for more than eight years that PPP and PML (N) leadership won't be participating in any future eceltions, he should have shown courage and strength...
  16. Khalids

    New provinces and provincial autonomy

    Durrani moves bill for creating new provinces Friday, June 26, 2009 ISLAMABAD: Former information minister Senator Muhammad Ali Durrani submitted a draft resolution with the Senate Secretariat on Thursday to amend the Constitution for facilitating the process of creating new provinces with...
  17. Khalids

    Chak Shehzad Power Scandal

    If there was no NRO, the result would have been different. Masharraf has a big share in our country's plite.
  18. Khalids

    Michael Jackson Dies

    So, a legendary life ends like this. There is time for every task, there is a task for every time.
  19. Khalids

    Lawyers at work

    Lawyer: How old is your son? The one living with you. Witness: Thirty-eight or thirty-five, I can''t remember which. Lawyer: How long has he lived with you? Witness: Forty-five years. Lawyer: What was the first thing your husband said to you when he woke that morning? Witness: He said...
  20. Khalids

    India says no to compensation for blocking Chenab in Aug ‘08

    Coming to the original topic. All this water blockade is due to the Sidh-Taas treaty during Ayub Khan regime in Pakistan. The thing that would have been done by Pakistani officials concerned was to closely monitor and continually follow up if any breach of the treaty is in scene from the...
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