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  1. Khalids

    Fantastic Prediction on Future

    Well just to clarify again, and to stop this at the spot, when we pronounce the word it sounds like Qur'an.........just a little pause after r......... and then an is pronounced. Its like symbols used in french words. So spellings are Quran but it is pronounced as Qur'an. The title of the book...
  2. Khalids

    Pakistan Motherland party launched

    Imran Khan is involving youth. And every body knows how is he leading this youth. I don't understand that why youth becomes fodder for other peoples' wishes. Our youth can only be useful if it frees its mind of any outside intellectual influence from any person and start seeing the world...
  3. Khalids

    Fantastic Prediction on Future

    You haven't read the Qur'an. So please be very very very careful before making any idiotic comments about Qur'an. And try to learn the spellings of the Qur'an. Just to clarify you, in Chapter 23, Surah Yaseen Verse 40, of the Qur'an, it is clearly stated that: It is not for the sun to...
  4. Khalids

    That's what Indian politicians teaching young Indians

    But none of our political parties, especially mainstream political parties, have indulges in minority massacre. And, yes! Pakistani voters will never vote to a mass killer. Like Indians do. By the way, I am impressed by the Indian voters' intellect. They will vote any criminal who have developed...
  5. Khalids

    Pakistan Motherland party launched

    Lets wait for the details. Details about the leaders of PMP, details about their manifesto.....because the points mentioned in their manifesto at the moment have nothing novel in it.......and see how they are going to achieve their goals. All the political movements/parties start with very...
  6. Khalids

    Zardari's Eternal Habit

    This begging has a history of more than fifty years. :angry: because khazana is always empty for the people and full for the rulers.
  7. Khalids

    Fantastic Prediction on Future

    Haqeeqat khurafaat maiN kho gaee Yeh ummat rawayaat maiN kho gaee
  8. Khalids

    Great people to cry with PIA, observes LHC

    Really, I couldn't get it. If you are referring to some of my previous posts on the forum, yes I am concerned over any body's 'above the law' phenomenon. No exception. Not my self. Its like as you sow, so shall you reap. If Mush did wrong, he will have to face the consequences. And so is...
  9. Khalids

    Great people to cry with PIA, observes LHC

    Ordinance on petroleum levy challenged in SC Updated at: 1050 PST, Friday, July 10, 2009 ISLAMABAD: The Petroleum Development Levy Ordinance 2009 has been challenged in Supreme Court. Chaudhry Ikram, the lawyer of PML-N secretary general Iqbal Zafar Jaghra has field a petition...
  10. Khalids

    No comments....

    Even these pictures don't show that Benazir was a participant of a highly official meeting. This Bilawal's presence can be seen from an other angle. All the parliamentarians and officials go through an oath when they take charge of their respective offices/duties, to be loyal to the country...
  11. Khalids

    No comments....

    An other thing is, why US allowed this? Its against any official norm or protocol.
  12. Khalids

    Fazlullah Reported Injured

    Its because US army is oppressor, killing hundreds of thousand civilians, commiting atrocities to PoWs and many other crimes for the sake of nothing. Pak army, on the other hand, had a moto. Therefore, they have successfully operanalized in such a short period of time. US woudn't be happy...
  13. Khalids

    British Islamists plot against Pakistan

    Now, if we also consider the British foreign Secretary Miliband's statement that internal groups are a bigger threat for Pakistan than India, in this context? Interesting.
  14. Khalids

    Portraits of Pakistan’s founder removed from President House

    People assume this because our history is full of such magic shows where Moin Qureshi gets his Pakistani NIC after becoming the PM of Pakistan, where Shaukat Aziz is announced that he will be the PM after so and so days, he contests(?) NA elections, wins and becomes PM...
  15. Khalids

    Dividing Punjab?

    . I am afraid, this is not a good way to argue. If FATA people are okay with Taliban, then they should show they are okay with Taliban. And the best available way to show your political desires is election. If Taliban come in power through this political process others must accept them. But...
  16. Khalids

    Portraits of Pakistan’s founder removed from President House

    Hamaray baba ki tasveer ker bahaal Zardai Ho jae na kharaab tera bhi haal Zardai Hum ne jumhoriyat ki chahat maiN tujhe chaha Aur tu bun betha hai ik naya wabaal Zardari Theek hai hamarey baba ki naheeN perwa tujhe Api dharti Maa ka hi ker kuchh khayal Zardari Kab tak muskurae ga tu...
  17. Khalids

    Tweedledee Aziz says he kept diamonds, gold, carpets & watches under rules

    This issue should be raised in National Assembly, but, rather, it will become a precedent for the Prime Ministers to come. This is the way things work in Pakistan. Legitimize each and every crime of yours and live happily ever after.
  18. Khalids

    Kargil: A Debacle or A Lost Opportunity?

    AFTERMATH — NEW DEAL IN NEW DELHI, COUP IN ISLAMABAD Sharif came to the White House early the next morning for a photo op with his family and the President. His mood was glum, he was not looking forward to the trip home. The Prime Minister knew he had done the right thing for Pakistan and...
  19. Khalids

    Kargil: A Debacle or A Lost Opportunity?

    THE 4TH DAWNS The President’s advisers gathered early on the 4th to brief him on the meeting ahead and provide advice. The mood was somber. Sandy Berger opened the session by telling the President that this could be the most important foreign policy meeting of his Presidency because the...
  20. Khalids

    Kargil: A Debacle or A Lost Opportunity?

    NAWAZ CALLS FOR HELP By late June the situation was deteriorating fast. The two parties were engaged in an intense conflict along the Kargil front and both were mobilizing their forces for larger conflict. Casualties were mounting on both sides. Our intelligence assessments were pointing toward...
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