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  1. Khalids

    Musharraf summoned in judges case

    Lo wo bhi keh rahey haiN k be nang o naam hai Janta agar to na jalata ghar ko maiN Now he says I am nothing, if I knew it I would have never destroyed my home
  2. Khalids

    I want to make history: Gilani

    I think he is playing very cool. Putting a steady political pressure on Zardari from the day the judges have been restored. And now when every one is praising him for successful negotiations with Indian premier, his confidence looks boosted up. He is actually playing for his own political...
  3. Khalids

    Musharraf summoned in judges case

    Yes, the example set by this case will be, we should hope, the first drop of rain in our ever ailing judiciary.
  4. Khalids

    Musharraf summoned in judges case

    The political pressure on Zardari may be seen in Gilani's body language these days, and statements like "I want to make history", "enough is enough, now the ministries will be given on merit only" etc etc.
  5. Khalids

    Musharraf summoned in judges case

    Commando kissi say darta warta naheeN hai.
  6. Khalids

    Musharraf summoned in judges case

    If NRO is dismissed by SC, Zardari will be under political pressure. And it is being built at the moment.
  7. Khalids

    Musharraf summoned in judges case

    Where are Sharifuddin Pirzada, Justice Qayyum and Mahmood Raza Qsoori? A lesson for dictators. And, no one to defend Musharraf in politics too. Where are Chaudhry brothers, Shaikh Rasheed, Durrani and Sher Afgan? Another lesson for dictators.
  8. Khalids

    Musharraf summoned in judges case

    I have an interesting feeling that NRO is going to cause a down fall for Zardari till the end of this year. Again, SC will be behind it.
  9. Khalids

    Musharraf summoned in judges case

    With due respect and accepting your sentiments about the politicians, I've therefore wished it to be a START of justice. You know judiciary has always been used and manipulated, rather exploited, by the all in power since late fiftees (Maulivi Tameezuddin Case). It was also a decision by the...
  10. Khalids

    Musharraf summoned in judges case

    Lets see what happens. But, why should we stop dreaming a better future? Justice, judicial as well as social, may pave the way to make our dreams come true. Perhaps its the start of that, a wishful thinking it may seem at present, but again, lets see.
  11. Khalids

    Musharraf summoned in judges case

    So, the music has started. I wish all the unconstitutional acts by any person during, at least, the last thirty years should be reviewed and revised by SC and summon any person involve in such acts. An evolution towards a just, civil society is in sight.
  12. Khalids

    I want to make history: Gilani

    Any reference please!
  13. Khalids

    Judges appointment case would be decided until Friday

    Has the Music started? ISLAMABAD: Supreme Court would announce its decision on the judges’ appointment and emergency enforcement case until Friday, while the Chief Justice has saluted the parliament for not ratifying the November 3, 2007 actions relating to emergency enforcement. Later...
  14. Khalids

    Red Mosque Cleric Abdul Aziz warns of 'bloody revolution'

    One thing is clear that Pakistani people, et large, don't want these Mullahs to stupefy them any more. Especially the Sawat operation has been a blessing in disguise in this sense. So, we should hope that government can handle this situation in the right manner and in a right time, as in the...
  15. Khalids

    Red Mosque Cleric Abdul Aziz warns of 'bloody revolution'

    Who will form this government, how will it be formed? Who will get how much share in it? Not an easy task. But one thing is obvious, Fazllur Rehman will be an integral part of it. Are you agree with such a national government having all the big guns responsible for all this crisis?
  16. Khalids

    Once upon a time USA invited Taliban to USA

    Therefore, many people believe that Iraq, Afghanistan is an all oil game. Wrapped in a religio-political paper. Bin Laden company still have links with those oil companies in the US (Fahrenheit 9/11).
  17. Khalids

    New provinces and provincial autonomy

    Believe me, when the ruling class, especially politicians, feel that division of Punjab is beneficial for them, they will do it overnight. Refer to your posted map above, you can easily feel an interesting difference among the areas of Multan. Muzaffar Garh and DG Khan. Multan has been divided...
  18. Khalids

    Red Mosque Cleric Abdul Aziz warns of 'bloody revolution'

    Yes, this is the ideal way. But what would a government do if some of its citizen start an armed insurgency or emotionalize people for such activities that cause law and order situation? No government neutralize the criminals, and these traitors bringing up a fitna in a peaceful society which is...
  19. Khalids

    Red Mosque Cleric Abdul Aziz warns of 'bloody revolution'

    When did all these three gathered mass support, lot of ammunition, FM radio, the dollars? Who was intentionally letting it be done? See the other page of your case, please.
  20. Khalids

    The Royal govt of Pakistan Peoples Party

    I would humbly request you Haider! to alter the title of your thread. It should be The Royal Dynasty of Pakistan Peoples Party and others Because no other government is going to change its extravaganza either. What happens if people start a civil disobedience movement against the government of...
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