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  1. djsjs

    93 girls molested on Bihar train

    can any Indian members tell me what's wrong with India?
  2. djsjs

    China Economy Forum

    2013 .no doubt.
  3. djsjs

    CONSUMPTION POWER OF CHINA--11.11-singles day

    new world record..
  4. djsjs

    CONSUMPTION POWER OF CHINA--11.11-singles day

    hit ¥ 30 billion at 21:19:45
  5. djsjs

    CONSUMPTION POWER OF CHINA--11.11-singles day

    tmall.com break the record ¥19.1billion at 13:04:06 today
  6. djsjs

    CONSUMPTION POWER OF CHINA--11.11-singles day

    today is 11.11,we call it singles day in China ,it's also a carnival festival for our online consumers,lets see what happend . in one hour(2013.11.11.00:00---2013.11.11.01:00) tmall.com sells 6.7billion rmb goods,in cluding ¥1billion payed on mobile. the consumption list of provinces----3...
  7. djsjs

    Superpower?India home to a quarter of the world’s hungry: GHI

    i dont believe CCP statistics,either.and i think India is a much bigger market for companies such as MS, TOYOTA,SAMSUNG,BMW........it must be fake if any of them sell 3 or 5 times products in China more than in India.
  8. djsjs

    Superpower?India home to a quarter of the world’s hungry: GHI

    are the stutastics in the article fake ?share us with true ones if so......
  9. djsjs

    Chinese company supplies trains to Delhi Metro

    hey ,calm down.tell me how long railway india had before 1947,and how many new lines built after independance.
  10. djsjs

    PDF Color Scheme

    i like the old version....
  11. djsjs

    China to boost imports from India

    we want to import more from China.but who can tell me what can we import from India except for few mineral products?
  12. djsjs

    India, China show great progress in ending poverty: World Bank

    please enlighten us what your free media told you except Venus and Jupiter. go yourself compare our 4th tier cities and your best ones and tell us which are better planned and developed WITH THE HELP OF GOOGLE MAP .And then the villages. DO YOUR FREE MEDIA DARE TELL HOW BACKWARD YOU ARE?
  13. djsjs

    How China Lost Its Mojo: One Town's Story

    per capita GDP of YANTIAN is only 27,000$ in 2012. i thought it was higher...
  14. djsjs

    India, China show great progress in ending poverty: World Bank

    do you think beijing or hongkong is our best city??OMG, the two are which i dislike most, bad traffic and bad weather....in fact our 3rd tier cities are much better than your best ones.the gap between our villages and yours are even bigger ...it doesn't matter if you don't believe me, go ask...
  15. djsjs

    India, China show great progress in ending poverty: World Bank

    compared with people living in our cities, those who living in rural areas are poor,but much richer than the people living in india cities on average. the point is ,can you believe it?
  16. djsjs

    Will India ever be a "real" super-power?

    China is still not an united country now
  17. djsjs

    Chinese Yuan the Eighth Most Traded Currency: SWIFT

    several month ago RMB is the 10th.maybe the current government want to promote the internationalization of RMB, if so we can predict in 2 years or less RMB will be top 5.
  18. djsjs

    Chinese firms join race to supply locos to Railways

    i strongly believe that India can make some small tools such as nail cutter. but here you indicate that Indians have to chose either China or Korean ones,but no Indian ones.are you false flagger? or maybe India is so hopeless that can not supply herself with even very small simple tools? hope...
  19. djsjs

    India's greatest gifts to China : Kung Fu and Zen Buddhism

    there must be a war between India and Korea..haha.....
  20. djsjs

    India's greatest gifts to China : Kung Fu and Zen Buddhism

    welcome back ,what's the feeling of being banned ? i guess you mean if there is no indian in the world ,human would never know the number ZERO.
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