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  1. djsjs

    India top seller of Beef

    @doppelganger you eat fried insects?i thought most Indians dont eat them. @doppelganger you eat fried insects?i thought most Indians dont eat them.
  2. djsjs

    India top seller of Beef

    Cut into thin slices and placed on ice, you should dip it in vinegar and other condiments.it is absolutely different taste
  3. djsjs

    India top seller of Beef

    回锅肉and干炒牛河 no problem,welcome
  4. djsjs

    India top seller of Beef

    the last time i eat raw beef is several years ago,delicious.guys,come to China can lets enjoy the dish together.hahahaha......h
  5. djsjs


    Nice to see a Pakistan brand smart phone good!!!
  6. djsjs

    India won't be 'the world's largest democracy' until it upholds human right

    it would be more ironic if your teacher told you that communist is opposite of democracy.
  7. djsjs

    India won't be 'the world's largest democracy' until it upholds human right

    we don't care what others call us.we are not crazy for a DEMOCRACY brand as it is worthless.
  8. djsjs

    Taiwan is more Chinese than PRC China?

    not only independence,but also national unity.please respect to their territory claim
  9. djsjs

    US B-2 bombers sent to Korea on rare mission

    f117 retired after kosovo war,why?
  10. djsjs

    Chinese interest in Gandhian teachings growing

    Gandhian?OMG,people talking about this nonsense ..9 pages....... forget it......
  11. djsjs

    India won't be 'the world's largest democracy' until it upholds human right

    is DEMOCRACY a commendatory term? why are so many members struggle for such a word?haha you should know we evaluate if a system is good not by what it is called,but by what it bring to the people. the current democracy game is just similar to we did in about 4000-3000 years ago,no need to...
  12. djsjs

    Taiwan is more Chinese than PRC China?

    . WOW,a Japanese militarism fan.and thats why you open this thread,haha. BTW,please do not use Google translater to post Chinese characters here, 爲什麽要使用簡體漢子&#65311...
  13. djsjs

    TOP 10 Countries who hate india most..where indian word is an abuse....

    China doesnt see India as competitor, an emerging market would be more accurate.Hongkong is not a country,it is common sense. haha,the list........forget it ?
  14. djsjs

    South China Sea Forum

    i remember you guys only troll in threads in relative to Vietnam or SCS.seems you took new orders that to troll in every thread about China!wish you get more money simultaneously
  15. djsjs

    South China Sea Forum

    don't you know that Mr Xi was born in a military family?
  16. djsjs

    South China Sea Forum

    @HongWu what is the meaning of your name and where are your from?please tell me in Chinese:china:
  17. djsjs

    South China Sea Forum

    haha,yes nam=south. but it seems you don't really know the meaning of viet.before your country got the name vietnam ,viet didn't refer to vietnam or vietnamnese. btw, do you know how and when did your country god the name vietnam?
  18. djsjs

    South China Sea Forum

    what is the meaning of Vietnam?
  19. djsjs

    South China Sea Forum

    you dont even know the meaning of your country name,not to mention 越,and before knowing all above,大越 is just a joke
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