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  1. S

    Indians Fighting in Swat : PICTURES PROOF!!!!

    These look Uzbeks. ZH earlier said these are Gurkhas. Ridiculous. When they are caught they were Indians, now they are Indian agents. If this thread continues soon they will be reduced to people who only heard about India lol , and I bet many of our Pak friends will be still jumping on the...
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    Where's secularism, asks Emraan after being denied house

    Yea this is spooky. My gf is so furious abt this one.
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    India’s nuclear submarine to trigger arms race: Pak Navy

    Pakistan has a scale. It's India.
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    Almost All Indian Missiles Are Dud Including Imports

    Such reports are planted by the govt. propaganda machinery, these are excuses to increase allocation to missile related programs.
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    US helping India become global space power

    /OFFTOPIC I always suspected CIA may have killed Sarabhai, Homi Bhaba and Sashtri for their heavy involvement in Indian space and nuclear projects.
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    Youtube is having a hard time stopping spam. Human brain will always beat machines in creative intelligence.
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    That troll had already 6-20 posts before he started trolling. I think human checking of initial posts only is not going to help much.
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    Who Is A Girl and Who Is A Guy?!

    This makes you GHEY!!! Actually not.
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    Fantastic Prediction on Future

    ^ Actually it's very entertaining Have you seen his latest feat in Ary news? Just o for it :lol:
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    Who Is A Girl and Who Is A Guy?!

    hermaphrodites!!! this tranny thing is SICK!!!!!! Who the hell got this idea?
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    "My body is in exile but my soul is in Pakistan"

    HAHAHA this troll is all over :lol:
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    Current Tensions in Xinjiang-China

    Dude don't you have anything meaningful to do? huh! at this hour??
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    Russia Scraps over 40,000 Tanks

    Like Pakistan? ;)
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    Russia Scraps over 40,000 Tanks

    ^friendly countries!!! like India?
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    :rofl::rofl::rofl: Raful = ROFL = :rofl:
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    Current Tensions in Xinjiang-China

    ^ Ya 10% growth, excellent..carry on Glory of Roman Empire was achieved on the sufferings of slaves too.
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    Fantastic Prediction on Future

    maybe it's written about those who can see Kashmir and not East Turkistan; idk. I don't like to talk on religion with anyone, so please excuse me from this topic. :wave: And if my comments were offensive I apologize for the inconvenience it may have caused.
  18. S

    Current Tensions in Xinjiang-China

    :what: OK I picked the worst possible video. Thanks for correcting me.
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