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  1. S

    China wants military base in Pakistan

    I think arrival of Chinese would be a better move than forming a Khilafat. I know many Indian friends may disagree, but this will be the most positive move for Pakistan, post 9-11 period.
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    China-specific Agni-III test by Feb-March

    Believer in the Flat Earth theory? In current geopolitics China's role is to counter/threaten US, not India.
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    China-specific Agni-III test by Feb-March

    China is NOT a real threat to India. Both are backed by same international financial forces. Threat to India is from an Islamized* Pakistan. (I'm NOT being rude to Islam or derogatory either, but after analyzing the recent propaganda wave in Pakistan it seems elements within Pakistan are...
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    Pakistani National Response Center for Cyber Crimes Website Defaced

    It's like burglary in the police station.
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    Q: Pakistan's Future And Zaid Hamid's Khilafat...

    I think he will organize rallies soon. I believe he will siege power in the govt. with military's covert help. Or agencies might actually do some false-flags too to bump him to popularity.
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    Q: Pakistan's Future And Zaid Hamid's Khilafat...

    Since his last few lectures Zaid Hamid is talking too much about a Khilafat...what do you guys think Is it possible? And what do you think about his plans on Gazwa-E-Hind ? If the Khilafat comes is he going to try Gazwa-e-Hind?
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    Rift Among Indian Army Top Generals Over Corruption

    Are you deliberately not giving the source outright? :D I know where it's coming from.
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    Taliban ask Imran to be mediator with Pak govt

    Mmm. That sounds reasonable. What could be the reason why he doesn't abandon his stance? I believe it's only the votes, which you ruled out. Well, what you are saying sounds good as a rhetoric but practically people in underdeveloped countries tend to look at things like that. And I feel his...
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    India to overtake China in 2020

    Let's hope the author is more learned than me, but my observation and strategic realities tells me otherwise. I'd say the current education system in India **SUCKS** ;we may not be heading anywhere rather than a commerce hub (too bad we have only few things to trade), much less an hub of...
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    India is getting ready to fight China and Pakistan simultaneously: Indian Army chief

    ^ Rule #1 When the underdog provokes there is no possibility of a war.
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    Taliban ask Imran to be mediator with Pak govt

    Yes, I remember hearing something like that, but that was before the operations started. There could be more to this then what people can see.
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    India is getting ready to fight China and Pakistan simultaneously: Indian Army chief

    I can only assume what you mean by this. Nevermind. If someone is doing a monkey dance you need-not imitate it.
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    Taliban ask Imran to be mediator with Pak govt

    This sounds very complex!!! If TTPs are indeed the ones carrying out the slayings why many Pakistanis are still against sending troops? Care to make it clear? :what:
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    India is getting ready to fight China and Pakistan simultaneously: Indian Army chief

    Look Rahul, Taiwan is Kashmir, Assam, Nagaland. People live in those places too. So don't get overexcited and try to be reasonable with discussions.
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    How to sink an AirCraft Carrier

    Well, in the ongoing discussion I'd say subs can hide quickly but a destroyer-- never. And a sub is more likely to be aware of any nearby ship than the opposite.
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    Taliban ask Imran to be mediator with Pak govt

    That's a very confusing situation!! Pakistanis are saying that TTPs are ruthless bunch of people and have been blamed for murdering thousands of innocents...then why he supports them? Anyone asked this question to him in context of the killings?
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    India is getting ready to fight China and Pakistan simultaneously: Indian Army chief

    LOL Do you believe those missiles for Taiwan? China is using that as an excuse to keep an anti-ship strategy ready for any possible US actions in it's eastern waters. World doesn't need "peace" but peace along with human development. A graveyard is peaceful too.
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    U.S. rushing to build an Afghan army to battle insurgents

    It's very likely Talibans will try to infiltrate this recruitment.
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    Taliban ask Imran to be mediator with Pak govt

    What is the local reaction of the local Pushtuns on this? Is Imran a popular leader among the Pushtuns?
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    TTP owns Karachi / TTP Denies Karachi/ Who do we listen to???

    I'd say "inside job". Since TTP and India/Israel/US have been thoroughly demonized they could be used for own gains. My honest observation.
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