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    $10.8 bln "bunker-buster" US sells to UAE & Saudia

    for iran i think it is,,,,totally waste because no one can save a island,other hand good for saudi,police state
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    Suicide Bomber killed by security guard oputside a mosque in Islamabad

    may his sole rest in hell of those who attack on mosquie and innocent muslims
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    BLA Releases Ziarat Museum attack footage as 'Eid Gift'.

    india seperation of balochestan is imposibile and baloch are our tied brothers,plz take care of aasam and kalistan,we will be thier soon.by the way great QUAID JINNAH is in our hearts,u cant remove this.
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    One of the most corrupt journalists of Pakistan is..............Najam Sethi

    the future of anchor and article writer are brighter then ever,where one have a price tagg
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    The video that Facebook keeps deleting from public pages! GJ-Facebook

    be prepare for saladin auibi,he must be from pakistan
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    The Al-Badr operative Mujaheed to hang

    bagladesh are going more become an india secholar desh sorry to say it
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    9 Syrians 'Executed' At Regime Checkpoint Include a Child, Watchdog Says

    cruelty didnt win in the history of menkind only love and respect win
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    Your Celebrity Crush

    i think sir have wast choice that why he is confused to upload which
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    Extremist Salafis in Kuwait Attacked Shiekh Hassan Shehata's Memorial

    they deserve it because they abuse the companianes of holy prophet AHMAD a.s and dishonour our umahat ul muminen i thier speachs
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    So, who are the real robbers ?

    thats why china is more develope then others
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    GCC warns Hezbollah!!!

    harry up arab and gulf countries the r slaughtering childerns,burnning men,thier is complete holocost of sunnies otherwise it be late
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    Pakistan blocks NATO supplies

    first we have to stop american from building mini pentogan in islamabad u understand what am i saying about
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    India shame story: Israeli paedophile adopts girl through surrogate mother

    what about the united nations charter and other if any asian commited then u hear huge blow through media
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    Buying US Treasury Bonds, A Sucker’s Game

    if u invade war in several countries that will be happen,america is now under boots of illuminatie
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    Sri Lankan monk sets himself ablaze over cow slaughter

    if cow is darmic whom i slaughter to
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    Live TV Debate Challenge: Imran Khan VS Nawaz Sharif.

    kider ha sher,circus ka yta cherya gerka
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    list of mossad operatives

    thier must be some thing like the played the drama of world trade center,all the jewish working on that buliding were absent that day, 1500 jewsh
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    by the way from where iran get blue prints of war technologies,dont look it pakistan iran is also involved in balochistan.
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    self delete
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    Facts a Day

    what about the other three ladies
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