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  1. S

    China as BULLY

    First of all, that sea is called South China Sea, not so-called "West Philippines sea" or even "East Vietnam Sea" ! Seriously, what the hell?? Those names just sound so ridiculous and funny. I mean, come on, you are so small, tiny, and weak, you do NOT deserve or get to name a sea after your...
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    China 2nd oil rig on the way to XiSha /Paracel islands water

    I think what the Vietnamese members here and most Vietnamese in general fail to understand is that, Vietnam is a small country, and it needs to act like a small country like all other small countries, and stop messing around with big guys, especially its big brother China. Accept the facts...
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    How Communist China freed the Tibetan People and gave them Human Rights

    To help people understand who and what the Dalai Lama is, he used to be the religious leader of the majority sect in Tibet, not all of Tibet. And of course, he is much more of a political "leader" than a religious one. He is like the pope in Vatican City, who only cares about power rather than...
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    China's 294 megatons of thermonuclear deterrence

    OH MY GOD guys, what's the point arguing this with someone from Vietnam? Let's make our country stronger and richer, while they stagnate and have day dream, the more the better.
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    China to build South China Sea military base in waters claimed by Philippines and Vietnam

    Well then, tell me what numerous victories were they? And like I said, prove it, or better yet, prove it again. ;)
  6. S

    China to build South China Sea military base in waters claimed by Philippines and Vietnam

    But you just said that Vietnam killed our soldiers 30 mins ago. Why should WE say sorry then?? I won't say sorry for you taking OUR islands. And we will keep controlling the area. You see, this is why Vietnam can't become a great power, because it doesn't know its limits. When I said sorry...
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    China to build South China Sea military base in waters claimed by Philippines and Vietnam

    I understand that's your side of the story, and I won't try to convince you to believe what I think. No matter our government is greedy or not, it has nothing to do with the conflict in the South China Sea. A lot of our poor fishermen also earn their living in the area, that's why our...
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    China to build South China Sea military base in waters claimed by Philippines and Vietnam

    哥们,说得好! 这就是我们中国人的民族气节!我们对我们自己的语言,文化,传统非常自信,我们在世界上也越来越挺胸抬头了!
  9. S

    China to build South China Sea military base in waters claimed by Philippines and Vietnam

    And I'd like to apologize if I offended you. I sympathize with poor people in Vietnam, just as I sympathize with poor people in China. I hope Vietnam will become richer and people's lives improve. Let time decide which country will be ahead in the race.
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    China to build South China Sea military base in waters claimed by Philippines and Vietnam

    Actually that's not offensive language. He's not cursing anybody.
  11. S

    China to build South China Sea military base in waters claimed by Philippines and Vietnam

    Okay, I suggest we stop fighting. We both want peace. There are many poor people in our country too, so I think we should focus on helping our poor people instead of arguing here.
  12. S

    China to build South China Sea military base in waters claimed by Philippines and Vietnam

    Actually, I DID. What other questions do you have about those holidays? We are using Latin-based language now?? Since when? Oh and even if we do someday, I would NOT want to turn to Vietnamese, even though it's SO easy to learn. And by the way, Japan and Korea are still using Chinese too, in...
  13. S

    China to build South China Sea military base in waters claimed by Philippines and Vietnam

    "why could not u" ? "to proved" ? "invent by u"? And it should be "not 'A' clear evidence". Four mistakes in 3 sentences, wow.. I think this really proves something, which is that we speak foreign languages BETTER than you guys. And I really don't why you are so proud of using Latinized...
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    China to build South China Sea military base in waters claimed by Philippines and Vietnam

    We have our own holidays, we invent our own holidays, we do NOT like to follow other countries, unlike some other people. Yes our language is extremely old-fashioned and one of the oldest languages in the world, that's why foreigners love it. That's why they wanna learn it. On the other hand...
  15. S

    China to build South China Sea military base in waters claimed by Philippines and Vietnam

    Look at you, stuttering, not knowing what you are saying. Learn some grammar before talking to me next time. And seriously, don't start this with me, it's pointless. EVERYBODY IN THE WORLD knows we invented all those things, you name it. Better yet, name ONE thing Vietnam invented. Or name...
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    China to build South China Sea military base in waters claimed by Philippines and Vietnam

    Again, like you yourself said, prove it. Better yet, prove it again. ;) Oh and I just gave you lots of evidence, say something in Vietnamese, and pick out all the words from Chinese, it'll be a fun game. ;) And try eating your food without chopsticks, try never eating your noodles, try not...
  17. S

    China to build South China Sea military base in waters claimed by Philippines and Vietnam

    Yeah you can choose to believe that for your pathetic self-esteem. We gave you everything you have today. If you hate China so much, take out all the words in your funny-sounding language, and see if you can still speak properly. We Chinese make history, in fact, whole East Asian history IS...
  18. S

    China to build South China Sea military base in waters claimed by Philippines and Vietnam

    There's no point in arguing with a Vietnamese, because Vietnam itself was ruled by China for 1000 years. In other words, there was NO sovereignty whatsoever for Vietnam, let alone claimed island. What's the point of all the arguing anyways? China gave Vietnam its culture, language, traditions...
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