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  1. N

    Foreign Office Minister hosts first ever UK-Vietnam strategic dialogue

    26 October 2011 Foreign Office Minister Jeremy Browne and his Vietnamese counterpart Vice Minister Mr Bui Thanh Son met in London on 26 October 2011 to launch the UK-Vietnam Strategic Dialogue. The Ministers shared their views on global and regional security developments, including EU...
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    Concentrating Forces and Audacious Action: PLA Lessons from the Sino-Indian War

    Dear friends, I know this is a troll, but this is my last post then I leave. I joined this forum just because I see all most of Chinese members are racist with Indians, Vietnamese. Whatever Chinese members did, they not catch but what I debate always focus on China Goverment but still got...
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    China and Vietnam sign deal on South China Sea dispute

    Honestly. China will surrenders without any condition if its got B52 raids for 24hrs. I know how FAT well, and I don't hate FAT guy besides I will try to help him/her.
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    China and Vietnam sign deal on South China Sea dispute

    You are wrong, unless you learn from Mao's School and red book from Hu Jintao, Deng Xiao Peng, China is a massive killer from the passed and war can not count by 1 time. Difference with America, they play hard but only 1 time and Vietnam served them real hard to. War makes both countries big...
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    China and Vietnam sign deal on South China Sea dispute

    I agree, Vietnam has birth infection by Orange Agent so every Vietnamese has grown for 8 legs and it solid like a steal. Typicly, those legs are best for China troops and for sure it serve well for China troops balls.
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    China and Vietnam sign deal on South China Sea dispute

    Like I said, "Small size does matter" and that a reason why FAT China got balls kiked by "LITLE VIET". Don't you think?
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    India-Vietnam oil exploration deal must be stopped:People's Daily

    China already tried but not hard enough such a looser. Doesn't it?
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    India-Vietnam oil exploration deal must be stopped:People's Daily

    Same China gov did to Vietnam when call Taiwan is a country. China realy pissed off, that may cause China try to put another pressure. By all means, I don't trust China goverment, the big miror for me to see when China ask Taiwan to be unite, and same time China aimed hundreds of missiles...
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    Chinese president meets Vietnam Communist Party's chief in Beijing

    Okay Khmer Rough ... you got attention. Happy now :D :D :D :D
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    Japan Calls for China To Explain Aircraft Carrier

    Thanks for that feed and it also prove that China is a coward to the WORLD, when its used a battle ship shot only few troop with a rifles. I must say that a NICE SHOT for Chinese Navy.
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    Chinese Ambassador to Vietnam meets Vietnam general staff chief

    LSHMBB and I think you should save it to Taiwanese. Vietnamese was not a slave but Chinese already did rail road for USA. Oops .. IGP.
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    So What’s The China Deal with India & Vietnam?

    Not 100% China is the one to make Vietnam poor for wars, but its MAJOR on those action. We don't cry but we deal with it unlikely China less wars comparing to Vietnam but its still CRIES OUT LOUND. China also makes Chinese and guided all Chinese to become arrogant because Han's best of the...
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    Chinese president meets Vietnam Communist Party's chief in Beijing

    Do you know what are you talking about? I think I can give you some more heroin to shut you up!
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    Vietnam to Get Sub Fleet in 6 Years: State Media

    Yes, Vietnam is FEAR China after got balls kicked by Vietnamese and feel guilty for every Chinese ladies will not have babies with Chinese troops when they return. [if they still alive or not wounded] That's the only thing we FEAR
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    China seeks to enhance military cooperation with Thailand

    Are you high? I believe so because you eyes problem, and you should check/read more docs before you come this debate. If you are not get high, then your mentalist is probelm. Noone loves Polpot kill his own people.
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    India welcome to explore oil and gas in Vietnam: Vietnam President

    Thanks for a good farted, I believed all chinese love this! [You should make it lounder] No wonder China always wanna put its noise on the other countries bootts.
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    Vietnam President arrives on maiden visit to India

    What make you not clear? Did you remember what I ask you for the previous post? Roll back then read it!
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    Hello China! Japan's anti-aircraft-carrier missile XASM-3

    You Chinese always acted arrogant. Why the F you put Japan down during your Chinese workers still works for Japan onwers? I call you [Chinese] a back stabber? Am I right?
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    Japan Calls for China To Explain Aircraft Carrier

    Dude, we [VN] don't CARE about them [US-JAPAN]. We love to see any countries for good and we congrat them with all off our heart. Your lovely friend[Chinese]does! The only we CARE that someone poke their nose on our bussiness.
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    China our Traditional Friend - Malaysia

    Congratulation for the good of you both.
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