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  1. F

    Hilter had once played cricket: Book

    My curiosity will not allow me to ignore it. :D From what I could make out from your point, I would like to say this to you, Hitler did not hate Jews just because they are Jew. "Either hate both or hate nobody" might not be applicable.
  2. F

    Hilter had once played cricket: Book

    For why he hated Jews, please read Mein Kampf. He has justified. Though not all accepts the justification :) Buddy, I did not understand your second point. Can you please put it in simple/different words. Sry, I have not read Qur'an nor I understand Urudu/Hindi. FYI :)
  3. F

    Hilter had once played cricket: Book

    History is written by winners We may never know the actual History. Not only in this case. All we know is the success stories of the winners :)
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    My Graphics Work (Waleed)

    Is that really you :D ? BTW, excellent work dude. Those are just wonderful...
  5. F

    No surgical strike on terror camps in Pakistan: Govt

    I'm not supporting Pakistan nor I'm against. >>What consequence? We all know it!! Don't me. 1. PA might not let it easy 2. This might lead to a full scale war much more. India is know to deal things in diplomatic manner. And please understand that it is not so easy to go after that...
  6. F


    >>Yet, Delhi & New Delhi is doing well in its own muddle some way. Are there 2 such places?
  7. F

    Hilter had once played cricket: Book

    Don't know why, But I like the man. And BTW, apart from hating Jews what are the other worst things (if at all) that he did?
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    No surgical strike on terror camps in Pakistan: Govt

    The last line... When you say that, please, think of the consequense as well..
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    No surgical strike on terror camps in Pakistan: Govt

    >>Give us Kashmir?? But I heard that Pakistan is just fighting for Kashmir's independence! Now you are asking for it? Care to explain please. Thank you
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    No surgical strike on terror camps in Pakistan: Govt

    Hi Jana, Out of curiosity, Do you strongly believe that there are no such camps in Pakistan?
  11. F

    Indian Acquisition of the Gorshkov

    and sorry if im silly,, but where is the run away path?
  12. F

    Indian Acquisition of the Gorshkov

    Shi.t man!!! this page is 30+ MB.. the size!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p
  13. F

    Will India join USA to strike China?

    Yes. As of today and for the next couple of decades. And what you said, I completely agree. US should not wage a war just for economic reasons.
  14. F

    Will India join USA to strike China?

    Oh poeple com'on. I just now replied to the thread which stated "US to strike Irans N plant". US will not even dare to touch Iran. Now China!!! Thats a big joke. Mutual destruction. And what possible reasons will US give to its tax payers to strike China. And calling India for...
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    US to strike Iran N-plants

    People forget it. Its noting going to happen in real world. Iran is not Afgan or Iraq. The American people will pull down the government if they attempt to start another war. Obama will not do it
  16. F

    MMRCA to be political decision: Eurofighter

    If TOTs are acquired, then will the Indian HAL have the license to porduce as many ACs as they want?
  17. F

    One liners :)

    Angles deserve to die for one of them dumped and stumped me :| ~Freddie
  18. F

    One liners :)

    What if woman can reproduce Asexually and all men die? There won't be any war nor violence in the world. But still there won't be peace :D ~Freddie
  19. F

    India going cheap

    I kind of know that the present ruling party of Democratic India is good. But what made them to try and pass such a low Bill? Anyone please!!
  20. F

    One liners :)

    Wonderful thread :D They say "Its men who shed blood and life to save his motherland". I say "Its men who has desire for others motherland". Shame. ~Freddie (Myself :p)
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