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  1. P

    Remote sensing(spy) Radar Imaging Satellite(RISAT 1) launched successfully

    Its in orbit. :bounce: Perfect launch :D
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    Apex court dismisses plea against Army chief-designate

    More like people who are playing politics within the army are getting shot down and getting humiliated by the courts for slandering institutions and reckless mudslinging to score points. Good, the guy was cleared by the courts and investigation earlier in an encounter where our troops died now...
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    EU woos India for piracy battle

    This is to address fundemental problems with piracy. Piracy is never fought on water, from rome's troubles in shippings from and to egypt or north africa. The romans killed off most pirates by denying them land to sell stolen goods and rest on by just conquering all of it. All significant piracy...
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    India's lost tribe (AL JAZEERA VIDEO)

    Raykalm, thanks for the wonderful documentary.
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    Navy could retire INS Viraat

    hmm, bout time. It's like the navies Mig 21 to be honest, the replacement (Vikramadatiya) had problems like the lca but the time has come for one of our greatest weapons in the liberation of Dhaka to be put to rest. Good to see that we might be looking for E-2D :D
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    Shocker: Indian Reforms are Stalled!

    No thanks to the damn left, mamta and bloody bjp. the congress are cowards, the left, and mamata idiots, and the bjp opposed the nuclear deal, vat, still opposes GST and is blocking reforms to play politics. If namo is such a reformer, why is the bjp blocking the tax and retail reforms? I wish...
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    damn, the pics are out
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    Gandhi On Jews And Hitler

    you should know that it was this precise question that he struggled with most. The utter barbaric nature of the war on the eastern front in the west and the rape of nanking and mass murder of chineses around '37. His initial position was that of , jews should rush to their own deaths but HIS...
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    Next budget to be 17pc bigger

    to be honest i think tht bd has the potential to outgrow india percapita very easily, the most important thing is that once the people get their prorities right it ALL falls into place. People said the bihar would have mud roads while other states got 8 lane highways because they used to vote on...
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    Bangladesh Navy getting Hamilton class cutter USCG Dallas (WHEC-716)

    great stuff ull prolly throw some extra goodies on there to make it into a killer frigate :D
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    ELF Comms Facility Coming Up

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    BD creation was Indian national objective & US had to preserve WP-Kissinger

    Its like most other states that have demographic overrlays with another country. Tamil nadu, punab bengal parts of the NE and burma etc. Most people are happy with the indian union and it gives a great deal more power to be combined and speak as one by consensus. E.g most tamils are for eelam...
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    BD creation was Indian national objective & US had to preserve WP-Kissinger

    Quite the opposite. The 71 war was almost more a Liberation war than a indo pak war. Most of the legwork was done by the bengalis and Sam's blitz brought out the realization of fears that the mukthi bahani had put in the genocidal maniacs heads. Dont disparage their roles. they need to thank...
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    It may be Modi Vs Rahul in 2014 elections

    rahul may not have done anything but I've seen what modi has done, and I'm not happy. I hope that murderer stays the f away from delhi. I hope nda plays nitish kumar or someone else. I really dont want a fractured mandate but if nitish kumar was put forth i would vote for the nda. If they play...
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    Israel at Defexpo 2012

    So yeah, a few jews in a barren desert were able to build a modern nation and modern military that the entire world learns from and a scientific base that has a ridiculous number of prizes(not just Nobels). I know it burns but dont disparage them, LEARN. Welcome the Israelis at Def expo.
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    HAPPY HOLI 2013

    lol so true :P happy holi fellas
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    Kaveri turbofan programme seeks extension

    Wow this is a game changer. Now im not really one who ignorantly yells " LOOK WE ARE BEATING CHINA AND BECOMING A WORLD POWER" but in this instance, if i am to be honest, we may have them beat. This is the reason that we spent SO much more than necessary on mirage 2000 upgrade and why the...
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    Interesting Video, Chinese Views on India and Space

    hmm, very enlightening. Thanks alot Zabasho :D
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    id these "thingies"!!!

    gun port mgs for wvr combat f35 has em too but its covered till fired
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    'Kingfisher' in Trouble

    Dont worry yar :p our Arline sucked REALLY bad all throughout as well but then i flew IA to Chicago and my whole perspective changed, most comfortable flight (mustave been a new plane) ever but thats not the real value of a national airlines. it takes about 5-7 years for a good govt to turn...
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