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  1. saiyan0321

    Tahir Ul Qadri return, reactions and discussions.

    Well if you are talking abt the implications then no nothing. You see he had actual strength back when zardari was in power. At that time people wanted to come out of houses, they wanted an end to zardari and everyone would have come out had imran khan joined with qadri and had qadri not done...
  2. saiyan0321

    Shias from Iran and Iraq rally up to fight Sunni ISIS in Iraq - Suicide Bombers and Kids

    Not shocked. ISIS is an extremist group and Iran would have to be a pure fool to sit around watch the Iraqi forces run away and ISIS gain control. I am sure Iran would support the shia militia group and would have its on shia trained forces there too. The end result would be the same. ISIS would...
  3. saiyan0321

    Japan bans child pornography possession

    you will find many idiots like him here. Some have nothing better to do then to troll. Good. TBH its very late but i guess better late then never however the japanese govt must ensure to do everything in their power to curb this infection. Child pornography is beyond disgusting and it must be...
  4. saiyan0321

    Pakistan becomes first associate member of CERN from Asia

    Great and with that we can make steps on becoming full members. This shows how far our nuclear physics research has come and how much progress we are making even with those low funds and with all the problems we are facing. INSHALLAH things will quite down and we will boost towards prosperity.
  5. saiyan0321

    Iraqi soldiers, police drop weapons, flee posts in portions of Mosul

    This. Iraq had over 77 T-72 soviet made tanks and over 280 M1 abarhams. they have abt 212 aircraft in which they have an block 52 F=16 squadron with many helicopters at their disposals including the recent MI-35 procurement of pakistan from russia. 800,000 service men in their army including...
  6. saiyan0321

    Iraqi soldiers, police drop weapons, flee posts in portions of Mosul

    Yaar have ISIS even faced a pure fight in IRAQ? Have the army over there stopped and decided to fight it out before retreating? The thing is open retreat before fighting is soo demoralizing that its shocking. I believe if they actually get their heads in gear and focus on fighting and not...
  7. saiyan0321

    Rana Sanaullah asked to resign : Shabaz Shareef

    Good but the CM should not be far behind. It was where they live and he had no idea. Either this is incompetence or he is involved in this. either way he should resign. Personally i expected N to handle this better. For one of the oldest party around they are panicking severely here. should...
  8. saiyan0321

    PTI provincial cabinet revolts against leadership

    Well i am not surprised bcz of two very important things. 1. PTI may have won majority in KPK but its not a total majority and he needed the support of other parties in the vacinity to make provincial government over there. These are old school parties and will resort to old methods and...
  9. saiyan0321

    Illegal barriers Punjab Govt said? What about this?

    If you have the proper paper works then its not illegal to have barriers and its not unheard of as to have barriers on govt buildings.; Heck many private schools and buildings also have barriers placed on roads. Large mosques have also placed them . You see you need two things. In 2010 my own...
  10. saiyan0321

    The proud, effective and handsome Janissary

    If there was ever a military force that could influence the decisions of kings and princes it was these guys. Strong,well trained and military thinkers the janissary were a force to be reckoned with in europe. One of the most well-trained military force in the world and the true secret behind...
  11. saiyan0321

    Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Is it the solution?

    success will be seen on three factors. 1. The destruction of the militants hideouts 2. The death of the militant commanders and heads. 3. The mass reduction of the influence of militants in the area. You see the thing is insurgency is not a military invasion. Its a hide and seek game between...
  12. saiyan0321

    Police kills 11 PAT protesters in Lahore

    Yeah i have heard that soo much. Its the cheapest and most used line in Pakistan. From shopkeepers ( sir agar chez kharab nikli tu mai dukan band karlo ga) to politicians ( If proven we will quit and give resignation). Its better to shut up then say something so useless.
  13. saiyan0321

    Police kills 11 PAT protesters in Lahore

    Just came back from home. WTH. We dont need this now. I get why they were removing barriers bcz the locals complaint abt it and it was illegal since TUQ was not part of the govt however the police lost it on them. you dont start shooting the protestors. Embarrassing stuff from Punjab goivt.Both...
  14. saiyan0321

    Naya KPK | News & Updates on the development in KPK.

    Why is there soo much confusion on the budget amounts. Pathetic by both PTI and N media cells. PTI media cell needs to get its act together and promote the works and budget of PTI and N media cell needs to grow up and stop spreading such lies. I read in the newspaper Pervaiz rashid barking abt...
  15. saiyan0321

    Do you support Operation Zarb-e-Azb

    You see when the "mujahideen" as you call it blow up bus stations,malls,cinemas,mosques then its no wonder over 50000 deaths are reported which contain military,paramilitary and civilians in it. These cowards dont fight out front against the armed personals. They hide in the shadows and attack...
  16. saiyan0321

    Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Updates, News & Discussions.

    May Allah grant them heaven. Our brave soldiers who went their knowing the threats they will face. For each soldier killed we must kill 10 of them. Their deaths will not be in vain. We will end this threat once and for all. INSHALLAH
  17. saiyan0321

    Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Updates, News & Discussions.

    Good. 7 scums sent to hell. Must be shocked to find only fire in their surrounding. I will really commend the armed forces if they make sure the internal cities dont get effected by this war..
  18. saiyan0321

    JI discontented with govt over NWA operation

    Soo much for support the army. These mullahs when meeting the army are all sweet talks and outside they are bashing them. We are going to war siraj so why cant you stop your belly griping and just support the army on this one. Dialogue should have continues even if they failed. Is he mentally...
  19. saiyan0321

    Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Updates, News & Discussions.

    Thank you as this was needed. Being a PAKISTAN DEFENSE FORUM we need to assure that we are 100 percent behind them. kick out anybody that sympathizes with the terrorists. Operation clean up PDF is at hand too. :P
  20. saiyan0321

    Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Updates, News & Discussions.

    Mullah understanding the situation does not compute. :P :P I have no idea. Bitch abt it afterwards but for now when the army is ready, when they have said openly they have made camps for the civilians then what is the problem? HE wants to know why the muzakrat failed. Okay they failed bcz...
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