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  1. O

    Germany demands justice for 17-year-old exchange student shot and killed by American whos still free

    Sorry but talking like that is like saying why the police officer don't shoot a person in the leg or arm instead of killing. Once you pull out a pistol its shoot to kill. You talk like you never seen a non-American with a gun.
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    Dozens of FBI, CIA agents in Kiev 'assisting Ukraine security'

    Russia will need to invade Poland, Estonia, Finland and other countries to stop NATO. Its the only way to go.
  3. O

    U.S. unlikely to back down on Taiwan issue

    Yeah, so don't assumed we are not going to intervene if China attacks Japan or the Philippines, etc.
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    F-35 is Liaoning's worst nightmare, says Global Times

    Thats not a precise statement. China's past actions are pushing Asian countries to our side. And I'm not kidding. Right now the Chinese and the Vietnamese are staring at each other over a Chinese owned oil rig going into disputed waters. Vietnam tries to stop China rig deployment - Yahoo...
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    F-35 is Liaoning's worst nightmare, says Global Times

    I sound like a foolish person? If China attacks Japan or invades Taiwan by foolishly firing missiles at it, you don't think the U.S. will attack China in retaliation? Are we going to let China do anything it can by using its aircraft carrier and aircraft from airbases to attack our allies with...
  6. O

    U.S. unlikely to back down on Taiwan issue

    Thats a good question. It seems we lost many fighting in other countries for non-white people. Reminds me of FDR who claims or promises he will never send our sons to fight overseas. Yet it happened.
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    F-35 is Liaoning's worst nightmare, says Global Times

    An aircraft carrier is an important asset that the Chinese were so intent on getting one. Thats why in war it should be sunk. And with the aircraft carriers the U.S. Navy would go after Chinese naval bases and airbases as well. Anything that could threaten the U.S. and its allies. Aircraft...
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    Pakistan buys 13 F16 from Jordan

    F16 taking on an Eurofighter.
  9. O

    Russian Rebels did it again, its now 4 Ukrainian Helicopters shot in Total

    Asking Ukrainians to die for Russia's interests is a show of cowardice on Russia's part. Why don't they send in the military and fight alongside the insurgents? Is the burning of pro-Russian insurgents not enough? 30 were killed today as well. How long before Putin decides enough is enough...
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    F-35 is Liaoning's worst nightmare, says Global Times

    Are we suppose to play fair? How many aircraft carriers did the U.S. bring to the fight against the Japanese during the battle of Midway? So if the F35 is crap, then the Chinese and Russian fighters are crappier against the U.S. military power.
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    Grounding A-10s will save $4.2 billion, decision ‘clear’: USAF general

    Are you saying the ISI is evil? Tracking down and locating the Taliban through cell phones and informants? Using technology and techniques.
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    Grounding A-10s will save $4.2 billion, decision ‘clear’: USAF general

    You have the ISI and they don't spy on everyone? Don't other countries spy on everyone? Some countries can't spy on everyone because of the technology they don't have.
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    Grounding A-10s will save $4.2 billion, decision ‘clear’: USAF general

    Okay we provided Pakistan C130s and F16s as well as Cobras. But we don't provide A-10s or AC-130 gunships. Nor do we sell nuclear submarines or aircraft carriers. So no we aren't as greedy as some countries or people like you who would sell your own mother.
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    Submarine:'Virtual periscope' sees above-surface/airborne objects from underwater view

    All Virginia class boats have that photonics mast. But its different from this virtual periscope tech they designing.
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    Grounding A-10s will save $4.2 billion, decision ‘clear’: USAF general

    We helped them for nuclear reactors. Not nuclear weapons. An A-10 is a weapons platform. Does Japan have nuclear weapons when we provided the tech? No.
  16. O

    Philippine Patriots stand up to US Imperialism

    There won't be a true EU force because you guys can't even do it amongst yourselves because you can't trust each other. And thanks to Russia's recent actions we ain't going anywhere.
  17. O

    Here Come...China's Drones

    Ours can land on an aircraft carrier. Theirs cannot.
  18. O

    F-35 is Liaoning's worst nightmare, says Global Times

    Isn't that how things work? How else for example in Battle of Midway sink 4 aircraft carriers?
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