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    Putin’s answer to EU – Eurasian Union

    Any country that joins the EU or shifting to the EU are Nazis in Putin's eyes.
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    Floating City Planned To Be Built In China

    I would definitely like to see that. In fact, I encourage it.:-)
  3. O

    Should Europe Rebuild its Tank Forces?

    No, they need to prepare for possible Russian occupation again. If you combine all the tanks in Europe they have a lot more than 800 tanks. Sure the Russians have thousands but most are old like T62s and T54s and they only have a few hundred modern T90s. And the T72s are really old, even...
  4. O

    561st Anniversary of The Conquest of Constantinople

    Ironically, the European nations started to find another way to trade with Asia since the end of the Silk Road and thats how they discovered the New World and led to increase in power in terms of land and trade.
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    What Saudi-Iranian rapprochement means for Assad

    All I remember so far was some big explosions and many deaths on Syrian soldiers.
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    US must 'get used to China's rise'

    Well you failed in the first part since many Chinese were killed and forced to evacuate and didn't do anything about it. So if we are the largest imperialists, you must be the smallest imperialists. And I don't feel ashamed by the wars most countries have initiated with the U.S.
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    What Happens When the 'Most Powerful Man on Earth' Takes a Walk

    Well thats how it is. Can't escape from the media anyways just like your Chancellor. And since he cannot be re-elected it doesn't matter how you perceived him.
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    What Saudi-Iranian rapprochement means for Assad

    War is almost over?
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    What Happens When the 'Most Powerful Man on Earth' Takes a Walk

    So is getting a burger. Still have to have the Secret Service with him anyways.
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    US must 'get used to China's rise'

    After what happened in Vietnam, nah it won't work. Each country is different. So which country are you going to invade first? Vietnam to take some of its territory so it can't claim it owns part of SCS? No no, keep doing what you do best. Maintain the course. Teach those little countries...
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    US must 'get used to China's rise'

    And in the end the Chinese realize it won't work.
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    McDonald's workers protest low pay, 100 arrested

    Twice the minimum wage, they are fucking nuts.
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    US must 'get used to China's rise'

    Good to know that China is showing its true colors. Learn your history again. The Texans won its independence from Mexico and approved by Santa Anna and asked to be part of the U.S. Most of our territories we bought from France, Spain, and Russia. Besides the conflict with Mexico. Oh I...
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    US Army designing next-generation protective mask

    No this one is.
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    More than 20 dead, doctor says, as anti-China riots spread in Vietnam

    Nah, we ain't causing these rights, CIA doesn't need to do this, China is doing it already for us. I mean just the Chinese oil rig in Vietnamese EEZ and also ramming a Vietnamese ship tends to tell us who is instigating the riots.
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    First photos of Iranian RQ-170

    Riiiight...after all the posting and bragging on Iran's new weapons including that mockup of the stealth fighter you guys made, this is no place to post a possible unmanned bomber made by the Iranians based on your info which you tell us its real but you can't post it because its not logical.o_O
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    S Korea 'crashed drone' turns out to be toilet door

    Holy crap!!! North Korea has resorted to that now?
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    US strategic rivalry with growing China will prove mistaken in long term

    China's actions with its neighboring countries will prove mistaken in the long term. But I encourage China to keep doing what it does best when it starts feeling confident it can conquer other countries and expand. Just to prove to the Chinese posters here on this forum that we cannot contain...
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    First photos of Iranian RQ-170

    Your information? How about posting it otherwise its made up.
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    Moscow to suspend American GPS sites on Russian territory from June

    Sure we can. Who do you think builds rockets for NASA in the first place? Dragon (spacecraft) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia NASA Commercial Crew Development program SpaceX was not awarded funding during the first phase of NASA's Commercial Crew Development (CCDev) milestone-based...
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