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    First Scorpene submarine to be ready by Sept 2016: Admiral Dhowan

    Not to brag or anything, but you forgot some other country that can build submarines pretty quick.
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    Four Russian Bombers Flew Within 50 Miles Of The California Coast

    They just trying to send a message. But they didn't really need to go that close since bombers with cruise missiles can launch from more than a 1000 miles away. Same as our B52s with similar capabilities.
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    Video shows US soldier handover By Taliban Fighters

    Wouldn't it be better for the U.S. govt. to say he was captured instead of saying he went to the other side?:o:
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    Nato forces kill five US troops in Afghanistan

    The Taliban knows what it feels like to be hit by their own weapon.
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    China angry at Philippines and Vietnam for playing volleyball together!

    China Is Angry at Vietnam and the Philippines' Volleyball Diplomacy - US News China has been angry before, but never about volleyball. Vietnamese and Philippine troops gathered on a disputed island in the South China Sea on Sunday to drink beer and play beach volleyball in a show of unity that...
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    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    What MANPAD? The Taliban didn't claim to shoot it down. Nor did Al Qaeda or the Pakistanis. Only conclusion is Pakistani hijacking it with Iranian tech. And RQ170 did crashed with its wings sheared off and had to be put back together with duct tape and glue as your pics have shown. So yeah...
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    Iranian RQ-170 Real or Fake ?

    Hence why its called a mockup for a reason. Mocking themselves similar to to that Iranian stealth fighter of theirs.
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    US Report: Chinese cruise missiles could pose biggest threat to U.S. carriers

    You may have all the assets to choose from in Asia, we have 7th Fleet itself that is equivalent alone that can handle the Chinese navy. With U.S. allies in the region and perhaps European allies its going to be a lot harder for Chinese to fight if they think they can take on just the smaller...
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    Pak-Afghan Unification

    Come and take it. I'm sure they will welcome you with open arms to become together again.
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    DF-41 now confirmed by the Pentagon

    No I mean some Chinese has been talking. China has in the past arrested American spies or at least Taiwanese spies.
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    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    Maybe you can teach them how to land after multiple crashes. Hey Pakistanis, you hijacked a dozen drones and have yet to land one intact. Yeah Osama died. And the Pakistanis hijacked the helo with your technology.
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    DF-41 now confirmed by the Pentagon

    Nope, its just for my own curiosity. Post some pics and locations when you have it.
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    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    I thought you shared your awesome technology to the Pakistanis because we are experiencing many drone crashes there. Even one of our stealth helos crashed during the raid to kill Osama.
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    DF-41 now confirmed by the Pentagon

    Oh tell us about it.
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    Why there is no Russian military intervention in the Ukraine?

    I thought you guys claimed we have mercenaries in there now. This fighting could last for many years. Just like in Syria.
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    Russian fighter intercepts 100ft close US survaillance aircraft

    The Chinese did better than you. It was -100 inches.
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    DF-41 now confirmed by the Pentagon

    Somebody has been talking.
  18. O

    Pak-Afghan Unification

    Uh yeah uneducated opinion. I don't need to watch Fox to know what I'm talking about. Do you believe this will happen or not? Just a simple question yes or no. Don't say its a religious right.
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