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  1. O

    2013 PLA Army seize the island drill

    Kind of reminds me of this.
  2. O

    China Will Launch Nuclear Powered Aircraft Carrier 80.000 & 110.000 Tonnes in 2015 and 2020 !!

    Intention to push us back to Hawaii? Good luck with that. Need to push us out of our own islands like Guam and Wake Island for example first.
  3. O

    The Epic Split by Van Damme.

    Better than Chuck Norris?
  4. O


    Now he needs to put unmanned underwater vehicle as well as unmanned ground vehicle avoidance guide.
  5. O

    The Epic Split by Van Damme.

    Don't know if this was posted. But just wanted for you guys to see. In response Chuck Norris shows he's better.
  6. O

    US aircraft attacked, fighting escalates in South Sudan

    How about you read your own title of the source and answer your own question on how U.S. overtakes Saudi Arabia. And don't believe all that wikileaks crap. Planned to loot Iraqi oil. Yeah sure. Even when we had troops there Iraqi govt. give oil contracts to other non-American companies...
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    Osama Bin Laden did almost all that and still got killed.
  8. O

    Singapore aircraft carrier?

    Pretty small ship. No more than 5 F35s can operate on that. And only 140 crew members is pretty small for that ship to handle. But thats just me.
  9. O

    US aircraft attacked, fighting escalates in South Sudan

    You sure talk a lot of crap. Since most contracts are awarded to Non-American oil companies in Iraq.
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