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  1. O

    USA killed civilians including women and children in pawan air strike.

    The fact? I said combined with starvation and executions and putting people in jail. Can you not comprehend? Go quote me please. I want you to do that in my previous post. Again you are brainwashed. Its a well known fact. Here is some interviews of Chinese citizens who experienced it...
  2. O

    USA killed civilians including women and children in pawan air strike.

    No your people died because of its policies besides starvation but putting people in jail and executions. Do not be brainwashed by communism. Think of what Stalin did to his own people. Killed more than the Nazis did.
  3. O

    Karzai reportedly suspects US hand in recent Afghanistan attacks

    LOL you so funny. No seriously it was at a strip club. Pakistan urges U.S. to tread carefully in Afghan withdrawal - Yahoo News Pakistan urges U.S. to tread carefully in Afghan withdrawal WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A senior Pakistani official urged the United States on Monday to ensure the U.S...
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    USA killed civilians including women and children in pawan air strike.

    But Mao killed more Chinese than the Japanese when he started the Cultural Revolution and Great Leap Forward.
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    Karzai reportedly suspects US hand in recent Afghanistan attacks

    I heard Pakistan doesn't want the U.S. to pack up. Because that could lead to Taliban take over of Pakistan.
  6. O

    China Space Military:Recon, Satcom, Navi, ASAT/BMD, Orbital Vehicle, SLV, etc.

    First rover? The other rovers sent to Mars are made in China. The parts are made in China. Thats how embarrassing it is. I mean even now the U.S. is sending rovers made by China to Mars. So I'm laughing okay?
  7. O

    China Space Military:Recon, Satcom, Navi, ASAT/BMD, Orbital Vehicle, SLV, etc.

    I think you need to do better in rover design. If you can make the Opportunity, Spirit, and Curiosity, you can make a better rover than those. I mean its all Chinese made of course.
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    Completed Arjun Mark 2 At The Republic Day Parade

    Looks Russian with those ERA. More than the Merkava.
  9. O

    China Space Military:Recon, Satcom, Navi, ASAT/BMD, Orbital Vehicle, SLV, etc.

    Yeah you think the Chinese made parts in Spirit and Opportunity and Curiosity would helped China make a better rover.
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    Chinese consulate in US damaged in arson attack

    Really? How is it any different? Be more specific don't stop there. Don't Pakistan have bodyguards for the Chinese workers? I didn't realize the Chinese had so many serious enemies. After what happened in Tiananmen Square. This could be the beginning for the Chinese. After what happened...
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    India asks US Embassy not to screen movies at American Centre

    Wow the Indians are resorting to not screening movies now.
  12. O

    U.S. waived laws to keep F-35 on track with China-made parts

    The F35 can carry 8 Small Diameter Bombs in its internal bays total. In this video you can see how dangerous the bomb is already. And granted this video shows the bomb bay of the F22 instead of F35. But you get the picture. And thats the internal bays only.
  13. O

    US Navy?No,this is PLAN.

    If I remember correctly looking at the map, South Korea still exists.
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    U.S. waived laws to keep F-35 on track with China-made parts

    LOL! Even if an aircraft was more maneuverable to the F35 it would still be shot down.
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    KJ-500- medum size AEW/C

    Really? If stealth is useless the Chinese wouldn't be making aircraft similar to the F22 and F35.
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    Chinese consulate in US damaged in arson attack

    What are the Chinese going to do about it? Many Chinese citizens have been killed. For example in Pakistan. What have they done?
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    Chinese Carrier Battle Group

    As Oscar have said the U.S. is still the most technological powerhouse. Economy of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia As of 2010, the country remains the world's largest manufacturer, representing a fifth of the global manufacturing output. And considered that our economy is...
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    US Navy?No,this is PLAN.

    Go count.
  19. O

    US Navy?No,this is PLAN.

    Well that sucks.
  20. O

    The Economist - GDP 2013

    With a population of that size of 253 million compared to Australia's 23 million, thats an achievement.
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