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  1. M

    Imran factor draws PPP, PML-N closer

    Imran is both Idealist- he stands for something than fall for everything like other pakistani leaders are doing .... at the same time he also is a practical guy , he knows that both India and pakistan cannot win win the other side of LOC through conflict ... Settling Kashmir issue peacefully or...
  2. M

    American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

    Its only a matter of lip sympathy and verbal threats that we are seeing and reading every other day since past ten years
  3. M

    Should Pakistan go with ICBMs after NATO strike

    Pakistan can theoretically create an ICBM of 13k range... practically it will take another 20 yrs for them to develop it :pop:
  4. M

    Imran factor draws PPP, PML-N closer

    Imran should get a clear majority , only then will he have a considerable say and hold without any influence from others ... wish him all the best ! Most in India would love to see him come to power compared to the Geelanis and Zardaris
  5. M

    India’s Stakes in Afghanistan> examining geopolitics

    Wonderful indepth analysis ... When most countries are cluster bombing Afghan and its people , its India who is building dams and bridges to help the common man of Afghan , no wonder Indians are the most favorites among the foreigners there plus the bollywood which is popular there too . India...
  6. M

    Pakistan Army warns NATO

    This is getting ridiculous by the hour , If pakistan manages to expel US from Shamshi airbase that would salvage some pride atleast
  7. M

    American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

    If you get your facts right you will know that only one third of NATO supplies to Afghan are reaching via Pakistan ... Now to the point , Your leaders both Military and Civilian are in cahoots with NATO , your leaders are screaming on top of your voice now , there are already 1000s of pak army...
  8. M

    American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

    Thousands of Pakistani Soldiers have died and even more civilians have perished in the name of WOT and nothing much has happened in the past , behind the scenes some dealings and some give n take would happen which common people would not even come to know .. and one fine day we see that all is...
  9. M

    USA: India already has an ICBM

    For a country that has launched PSLV more than 30 yrs ago , ICBM if it intended to have is a cakewalk ..... the only reason India have not had an ICBM is because it never needed one ... there are no hostile enemies for India in the west or far east .... There is no rationale in having an ICBM to...
  10. M

    Should Pakistan go with ICBMs after NATO strike

    Which Nato country will you target the ICBMs at ... even friendly countries like Turkey are involved in the NATO would you target them too ? It will create more troubles to Pakistan at an international level , ICBMs surely would be for the purpose to deter uncle sam but will they take it for...
  11. M

    Pakistan threatens to cut US ties

    In the name of wiping out terror , USA creates more terror and havoc around the globe then any other nation singlehandedly ... Pakistan has been forced to get involved in WOT with the "You are either with us or against us" quote from uncle sam ..... pakistan chose the "with us" option ten years...
  12. M

    Is this secularism of India ?

    Please dont bring the religion angle into it , There are scores of examples where people fail to get justice and there will always be exceptions for the rule .... this doesnt mean that Indias secularism is broken with few such examples ... I sympathise with him and most Indians do , but to bring...
  13. M

    Typhoon, Rafale no match for China’s MMRCA

    8 out of 10 posts posted in the thread are written by you defending the "mighty PLA" .... if it makes you feel all mighty and powerful and gives you a high then so be it ... i too agree that your PLA rules !!! happy now ??? :wave:
  14. M

    Bangladesh submits totally to Indian hegemony

    Ignore such BS articles , they only spread hatred .... India and Bangladesh should live in peace and harmony by looking after each others interests .
  15. M

    Pakistan national interest, people's wishes first Kayani tells NATO

    Kiyani too speaking political language instead of military language , sounds like he is interested in civilian role like Musharraf in future
  16. M

    A challenging year for Pakistan's economy

    3.5 percent GDP growth would have been great for a developed country . but is very less for a developing country .... along with all other issues that Pakistan is facing , Its time pak focuses primarily on economic growth so that they can do away with foreign aid et all
  17. M

    Typhoon, Rafale no match for China’s MMRCA

    Difference between India and China in simple words so that you can understand ... India buys official product from foreign vendors on full TOT and manufacture them locally in Indian facilities example Su 30-MKI , upcoming MMRCA etc China makes copies of the very same product right from the...
  18. M

    Typhoon, Rafale no match for China’s MMRCA

    Most of the 126+ MMRCA's are to be produced in India under full TOT agreement so get your facts right .... In case of "war attrition" India sure has the capabilities to produce all kinds of weapons too !
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