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  1. M

    The Politics of Pipelinistan and importance of stable Afghanistan-Pakistan

    No offense , but i guess its too risky for any of these pipelines to be a reality atleast where India is concerned , Pipeline could be hostage During peace time by terrorists and during wartime things could get even messy ..... Oil through sea route via Huge oil tankers from the gulf...
  2. M

    China sends 3rd ship in standoff with Philippines

    Chinese aggression in SCS and now against Philippines is a blessing in disguise for India, US, Russia , Japan,Vietnam ,SKorea,Australia and rest of the world ... they are just turning out to be sore bullies left with very few friends like Pakistan and N korea... Chinese bullying is a self...
  3. M

    Su 30 MKI crashed near pune

    Delay in acquisition of AJT like Hawk is one of the main cause , hope we get more Hawks at the earliest ... HJT-36 Sitara seems to be going nowhere!!!
  4. M

    US lawmakers freeze US$700 million to Pakistan

    I wonder whether the Pakistani friends proclaiming its a victory for Pakistan are saying this out of emotional judgement emerging out of NATO strike or whether this indeed is a victory ... In normal circumstances the billions of dollars would have helped Pakistan fight poverty , improve...
  5. M

    China Catching Up With India on R&D Investment

    I thought Wall street Journal was credible too, ok next time we will post something from Xinhua that would surely be trustworthy...however sorry to have hurt your fragile ego ! :wave:
  6. M

    Who declared Bangla freedom? Mujib or Ziaur

    Thanks pal... However The new gen of Bangladesh doesn't realize the contribution of India in that war and how India stood by your side even prior to the war.
  7. M

    China Catching Up With India on R&D Investment

    Ok .... one chinese members fragile ego severely hurt ,few more to go! :coffee:
  8. M

    Saudi Arabia Plans to Acquire Nuclear Weapons

    There could be a day in future when all countries in the world would end up having Nuclear weapons ... not that i support this but it may be a reality some day ...
  9. M

    New pic of China's WZ-10

    Is it Similar in specs to that of HAL Light Combat Helicopter (LCH) LCH TD2? LCH TD2
  10. M

    Who declared Bangla freedom? Mujib or Ziaur

    I hope India gets a small credit too for helping Bangladeshis in their freedom struggle
  11. M

    China Catching Up With India on R&D Investment

    @ members, please Do not post any articles , even though it is from a neutral source which can hurt the ego of Chinese members , they simply can bear it and will start to troll until they start feeling better again ! thank you :hitwall:
  12. M

    Bangladesh among top rice-eaters

    Whats the staple food of north Chinese then
  13. M

    GSLV-Mk-III to place communication satellite in orbit

    See I recently got to know of the GSLV-Mk 3 specifications of every stage. I'll just post them: Boosters: * Stage0: 2 x GSLV-3 S200. * Gross Mass: 2400,000 kg (554,301 lb). * Empty Mass: 40,000 kg. * Mass Fraction:0.83 (S125 and S139 have a mass fraction of 0.82) * Thrust...
  14. M

    GSLV-Mk-III to place communication satellite in orbit

    This will be one of the biggest tests to ISRO and more importantly for the GSLV platform which is yet to see much success, MK3 version is supposed to have a payload of 10000 KG bringing it on par with the Atlas V , Delta and Titan :smitten:
  15. M

    USA's public debt grows to war level

    Probably because to manufacture the same products there will cost then 10 times more ... they are caught in a quagmire from which it is difficult to get out of !
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    Croatia Signs Up to Become EU’s 28th Member

    Croatia clinched an agreement to become the 28th member of the European Union in 18 months as the world’s largest trading bloc expands further into the Balkans region. Croatian President Ivo Josipovic and Premier Jadranka Kosorsigned the treaty in Brussels today with leaders including EU...
  17. M

    No support to Afghanistan if blame game continues: Pakistan

    Would you say the same about your security forces when they fail to prevent a terrorist strike in Pakistan originating from Afghanistan ? Karzai is blaming a terrorist organisation and not Pakistan and the whole world should condemn the dastardly act.
  18. M

    Modi invited to Pakistan

    For once many would agree with you , however this time around in 2014 most in India would love to see the back of congress and BJP would come back on basis of Modi charishma and anti incumbency against ruling Congress who are in power from 10 yrs
  19. M

    Modi invited to Pakistan

    Golden chance of learning how to improve the neighboring Sindh and Balochistan as well as he has developed Gujarat ? Better use the chance since China itself is interested to business with him and respect him for what he has achieved in Gujarat ! I use the china example because you always...
  20. M

    Japan narrows F-X selection to F-35 & F-18 Super Hornet Block II

    The thread was related to Japan buying F-18 or F-35 , please read your post 10 where you brought in China into the discussion ... :wave:
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