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  1. MehrotraPrince


    No offence sir :) A snapshot is popularly defined as a photograph that is "shot" spontaneously and quickly, most often without artistic or journalistic intent. Snapshots are generally real photographs, or snaps from any video at any particular time. By this defination all images in this...
  2. MehrotraPrince

    HAL’s Light Utility Helicopter

    Right now two more helicopter projects are in pipeline, design process for medium lift helicopter and and heavy attack helicopter has already started, you will see public announcement after couple of years or may be just in year 2012.
  3. MehrotraPrince

    HAL’s Light Utility Helicopter

    Being single engine helicopter LUH is more economical, less fuel consumption, less maintenance and less initial cost. LUH is designed mainly for reconnaissance purpose while Dhruv is duel engine, multipurpose & lifts more load as well as carry more defence personnels.
  4. MehrotraPrince


    HAL Tejas (Naval version)
  5. MehrotraPrince

    DRDO to test K-15 submarine launched ballistic missile on Jan 31

    Yes, but please note these important points: 1. DRDO has denied that Shaurya missile is any way connected to project K-15. 2. No where I found that Shaurya has all solid motors. Let me explain, rate of combustion in case of solid propellant is most difficult to control that is why all...
  6. MehrotraPrince

    DRDO to test K-15 submarine launched ballistic missile on Jan 31

    Guys read the post carefully............. Normal K-15 is powered by two stage, solid fueled rocket motors, it means ballistic missile. But they are refering to cruise varient of K-15. Well its quite possible, but then the propulsion system should be different. Any one having detailed...
  7. MehrotraPrince

    Deadline Emerges For India's $10B Warplane Deal

    Let me correct your figures......Lets talk about Jan 2011 Total number of aircrafts in IAF inventory Mig-21 bison=121, Mig-29=69, Su-30MKI=122, Mirage 2005=51, Mig-27=145, Jaguar=139 Total number of aircrafts = 647 i.e @20 aircrafts = 32.7 squadrons (all figures are approximate, still very close...
  8. MehrotraPrince

    India doesn't deserve UNSC seat: Geelani

    Mr. Geelani is still alive So he must be thankful to Indian security force and especially to GOI. He is lucky that he lives in a country where he is free to present his view (no matter it is against the nation itself). He is lucky that he was not born in USA, Russia, China, Israel or any other...
  9. MehrotraPrince

    Harpoons: India to pay US almost three times more than Pak

    Yes we are paying three times more. But for what? Any one has done research on what block of harpoons Pakistan purchased from USA and what we are getting? No. Let me clear this confusion..... India Year: Dec 2010 Harpoon: 24 Block II missiles, Contract cost: US $ 170 million...
  10. MehrotraPrince

    "Tejas, A Three-Legged Cheetah": Former IAF Commander

    You can doubt him/her but atleast don't doubt the moderators. People doubt him/her because you don't have good knowledge about psychology of human beings. Individual human being is affected by many factors during his lifetime, our thinking develop and is greatly influenced by culture...
  11. MehrotraPrince

    "Tejas, A Three-Legged Cheetah": Former IAF Commander

    Why you people reply to trolls? Ignore them. You can not convince fools by any logic. Better let them live in their own dream world. @ topic Of course its a three legged Cheetah that is way we will use GE F414 engine for our next batch, that is way we are redesigning it. We are new to...
  12. MehrotraPrince

    India's indigenous UCAV ‘Aura’ taking shape in DRDO labs

    India, France unveil deals worth upto $ 20 bln New Delhi: France's President Nicolas Sarkozy on Monday unveiled upto $ 20 billion worth of defence, atomic energy and civil aviation deals with emerging market giant India during a four-day trip to the country. Following are details of...
  13. MehrotraPrince

    India's indigenous UCAV ‘Aura’ taking shape in DRDO labs

    One question to every one????? Any one remember about French president visit to India last year? News came in media about nuclear and other deals and also deal about joint development of aircraft? What is this aircraft? UAV or manned fighter ?
  14. MehrotraPrince

    India ready to build Laser Weapon Systems.

    Let me guess........ 1. How about high altitude aircrafts. Problem: You can not have 24 hour surveillance due to limitations of present generation aircrafts (limited fuel, limited altitude, limited flight time). 2. What about Satellites (Who knows which satellite is for civil use and which...
  15. MehrotraPrince

    Army to get modern bullet-proof jackets

    Correct. Still no Bullet-proof jackets or bullet-proof vests exist on this planet. These are bullet resistent vests, which are build to resist specific bullet, projectiles or helps to absorb the impact from firearm-fired projectiles and shrapnel from explosions. They can not resist every...
  16. MehrotraPrince

    ISRO mum on how 684 of its staff died

    You are right, all deaths are not accidents, few are natural deaths, and few due to some diseases. But one need to understand that if they publicize cause of few deaths only and ignore cause for other deaths then what will happen. Some people and most inportantly media will make a big fuss about...
  17. MehrotraPrince

    ISRO mum on how 684 of its staff died

    Whats wrong with the death figures? What is this ISRO? Just a Space research Organisation. But many of you don't know that this is the premier organisation for research in many fields and space research is just one of it. Research starting from Rockets, propulsion system, material, chemicals...
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