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  1. deltacamelately

    American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

    Rest in peace. Gentlemen, This is a war zone we are speaking about. Such blue-on-blue incidents are not very rare, even if highly regrettable. The NATO/ISAF and PA Forces are caught in a tight situation. There is definitely some communication but there is also absence of a compatible...
  2. deltacamelately

    Should Pakistan Navy acquire carrier kill missile

    DARKY, I must admit, you have hit the nail on the head. The world experimented with strategic nukes/thermo nukes, as well as tactical nukes along with thermobaric nukes and guess what, the rational few realised that there was no point in attacking an advancing column or a small counter force...
  3. deltacamelately

    Should Pakistan Navy acquire carrier kill missile

    Vibs Reply Spare me of this hogwash, will you? You contemplate nukes flying eitherway because of a space charcoal? There are a number of well read scientists in both our countries who have been studying research papers on Thermobaric weapons and guess what, there is no way in hell in the...
  4. deltacamelately

    Should Pakistan Navy acquire carrier kill missile

    Santro, The Trident SLBMs(Both T-1 C4 as well as T-II D5) have been the mainstay for the US Strategic Command since 1981. Their boomers, the Ohio-class SSBNs are equipped with Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) receivers that allow them to remain in essentially constant contact with the shore...
  5. deltacamelately

    Should Pakistan Navy acquire carrier kill missile

    Santro, DARKY Reply, What it means is, that no power is going to risk an assumed nuclear 2nd strike just on detection. The odds are just too high, as they say, you launch nukes without nuclear forensics validating an impact and you just lost the war. It is an accepted escalation matrix. It...
  6. deltacamelately

    Should Pakistan Navy acquire carrier kill missile

    DARY Reply, I repeat again. There is no such thing as launch on detection. It will always remain launch on impact. You don't launch nukes as per your whims and fancies. As per Stuart Slade, One flies - All fly. Care taking the hint?
  7. deltacamelately

    Should Pakistan Navy acquire carrier kill missile

    Santro, There's nothing called Launch on detection. It will always be launch on impact. The Big 2 never practised launch on detection and thus averted exchanges atleast thrice, during the Cold War. Rest of the nuclear powers have a way way higher launch threshold and no way in hell to avert...
  8. deltacamelately

    Bangladesh bans film over villain's dress sense

    MBI Munshi, I do not remember to have responded to your posts earlier, but after going through many of them, including this one with Tiki Tam Tam, I assume you to be a bitter man, bitter for not having BNP or a more radical political party, ready to confront India in whatever just/unjust...
  9. deltacamelately

    US risks war with China and Russia - World War III

    India can not and will not chose sides with "the one" that dreams of fighting India till the last Pakistani soldier.
  10. deltacamelately

    Global Insider: Pakistan Navy

    Gentlemen, Just having to look at the stretch of the Indian coastline along with the islands of Andaman, Nocobar, Laksadweep etc. only a grumpy a$$ would argue against a Naval buildup. You have far more assets to guard than you have hardwares to protect them. Do it NOW. Its not about PN, its...
  11. deltacamelately

    Israel claims Russian missle hit school bus

    You seem to have a sadistic appetite for burning babies. Anyways, I was responding to the posters accusation of US forces for killing innocent Pakistani children and NOT to some Gaza collateral damage pictures.
  12. deltacamelately

    Israel claims Russian missle hit school bus

    Provide illustrations. Or are you hinting at some collateral damage amidst those drone attacks? Even then, there is a famous saying, "you sleep with dogs, you get fleas".
  13. deltacamelately

    China's first aircraft -carrier

    It is still a long way from getting operational clearance. No major system including radars, has been installed yet. Carrier operation is a very complicated process and needs years of training and experience. PLAN is expected to get hands-on experience with the Varyag over the next decade, its...
  14. deltacamelately

    Bangladesh outlines military equipment procurement plans

    From a purely military point of view, it is a bit surprising that the GoBD hasn't thought about investing in any substantial reconnaissance platform. Having two neighbors with clear military edge, it would be the most prudent decision to have eyes and ears on any major buildup near its borders.
  15. deltacamelately

    Killing India’s hidden ‘Cold Start’ strategy

    Point taken Sir. I rarely but in and rather do the reading job of whatever the gents have to say. Sometimes though, the temptation gets too strong.
  16. deltacamelately

    Killing India’s hidden ‘Cold Start’ strategy

    TaimiKhan, Whatever calculations the InA brass might have done remains a classified thing, however, its seems the InA has finally started moving its thinking from a deep battle of attrition to quicker battle of annihilation. Whether they are right in that, is a different debate.
  17. deltacamelately

    US wants to strengthen military ties with India: Robert Gates

    su-47, There still is an old Vulcan proverb -"Only Nixon can go to China".:what: Non-existential financial transactions and overt hostilities, transformed into probably the biggest global trade relation and hostilities are capped.
  18. deltacamelately

    Killing India’s hidden ‘Cold Start’ strategy

    Storm Force, These very words, if they indeed were true, make the very concept of CS, null and void Sir. One can not design a blitzkrieg without calculating the enemy's appetite. Either the InA did that, or CS doesn't exist.
  19. deltacamelately

    Happy Independence Day to Subcontinent(India- Pakistan).

    Happy Independance Day!
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