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  1. Alpha Omega

    Turkey raises Kashmir issue, India unhappy

    India will never become a communist or maoist country, yet the support for insurgents as well as the area affected and controlled by them is growing fast. Keep ignoring your internal problems but they won't go away and slow your efforts the develop the eastern half of your country.
  2. Alpha Omega

    Turkey raises Kashmir issue, India unhappy

    Again, I understand the money craze dude. Two decades of healthy economic growth and you guys have become more arrogant than the Israelis or the Americans, behaving like you've touched the sky already. Somethings can not be bought with money and loyalty is one of them. Turks are loyal to...
  3. Alpha Omega

    Turkey raises Kashmir issue, India unhappy

    Two magic words for you: MAOIST INSURGENCY :)
  4. Alpha Omega

    Turkey raises Kashmir issue, India unhappy

    So the trolling continues, sigh! Read my post again, it says YOUR Bharat Mata.
  5. Alpha Omega

    Turkey raises Kashmir issue, India unhappy

    I can't blame you for this banya mentality but you need to educate yourself in Pak-Turkish relationships which have only grown stronger ever since Pakistan was created. Islamabad and Ankara were announced twin cities after Musharraf adressed the Turkish Parliament in fluent Turkish. We have more...
  6. Alpha Omega

    Turkey raises Kashmir issue, India unhappy

    Do I need to google pics of PAKISTANI FLAG being raised in IOC?
  7. Alpha Omega

    Turkey raises Kashmir issue, India unhappy

    Those who created Pakistan shared these feelings, wich btw are beautifully described, for decades and you know what it resulted in. We carved out Pakistan right from your Bharat Mata. Kashmir will give you a deja vu, it's just a matter of time.
  8. Alpha Omega

    Turkey raises Kashmir issue, India unhappy

    Turks are our friends too and they are supportive.
  9. Alpha Omega

    Turkey raises Kashmir issue, India unhappy

    Its under Indian control by force and occupation, not officially part of India. You want proof of their preference for Pakistan over India, go visit any rally there and count the beautiful and proud green Pakistani flags in every single event. How come Indian flags are never raised in AJK?
  10. Alpha Omega

    Turkey raises Kashmir issue, India unhappy

    These are my real flags as per my passport and place of birth. But I like the green flag better, no doubt about it.
  11. Alpha Omega

    Turkey raises Kashmir issue, India unhappy

    One third of your country is under Maoist control and you are dreaming of taking Kashmir? Bigger countries have disintegrated due ethnic devide, one example is old Soviet Union so you can brag about your growing economy but Kashmir will never be legally yours.
  12. Alpha Omega

    Turkey raises Kashmir issue, India unhappy

    Do you realise that one day I.O.C won't need Pakistan's intervention and get enough support in UN just like Palestine did? You're mistaken to think that using terms like 'democratic elected government', 'integral part/parcel' etc go well in international media. Why are all UN resolutions on...
  13. Alpha Omega

    Ah memories! :D

    After voluntary exertions on the part of our people to which the history of the world furnishes no parallel, is the old root of bitterness still to remain in the ground, to sprout and bear fruit in the future as it has borne fruit in the past?
  14. Alpha Omega

    Important message

    I concur that. It's not China but Pakistan who has failed to materialize the tremendous potential that exists between the two countries. China's main concern are related to security issues and of course corrupt leadership. Provided the correct environment China has the potential and will to...
  15. Alpha Omega

    Why Imran Khan is running from Elections?? Where is PTI Candidate in PP-275

    Shirin Mazari, a prominent defense analyst is member of PTI. She'll make a great candidate to run along with Imran Khan.
  16. Alpha Omega

    Apache to give army more teeth

    Why doesn't IA operate its own Air Wing? I believe you have a considerable amount of fixed wing aircraft and choppers in the Army.
  17. Alpha Omega

    More Propaganda: ISI behind 26/11, Indian embassy bombing

    Sir, Pakistan's image is not in our hands, the western media is one of the most powerful weapons that exisit. If they want us to be an escape goat, they will succeed. Even if Pakistan took a U-turn today and became a functioning democracy with a healthy economic growth rate it will not stop...
  18. Alpha Omega

    More Propaganda: ISI behind 26/11, Indian embassy bombing

    Exactly! We've fought 4 wars with the same enemy, only interfered with internal affairs of a neighboring country which poses a threat to our security. How many wars have USA fought? How many regimes, including the ones that went rogue along the years have been installed or supported by CIA? How...
  19. Alpha Omega

    More Propaganda: ISI behind 26/11, Indian embassy bombing

    To answer that you'll have to go way back to the very beginning when Pakistan joined the US Camp and analyze the events with a neutral mind. Both Pakistan and USA have played each other with Pakistan usually ending up at the short end. Mutual distrust is not new, Pakistan has learned hard...
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