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  1. IbnAlwaled

    Strongest Empires by timeline

    I meant Arab genealogist trace the origin of name Arab to this guy: http://ar.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D9%8A%D8%B9%D8%B1%D8%A8
  2. IbnAlwaled

    Saudi Arabian Air, Land, Naval Forces & SANG

    Coincidentally while I was scrolling through the pictures, I had "Requiem For A Dream" playing in the background. Epic:cool:.
  3. IbnAlwaled

    Professional analysis of future Sino-India War

  4. IbnAlwaled

    Professional analysis of future Sino-India War

    I thought 90% of the Sino-Indian animosities was related to border disputes and China supporting Pakistan
  5. IbnAlwaled

    Iranians We Love You: Israel

    Also, If Israel considered Iran or hizbashytan an enemy they would strongly support military intervention in Syria, and not have Natinyahoo go to Obama and tell to be quite about Syrian massacres.
  6. IbnAlwaled

    Iranians We Love You: Israel

    MOD EDIT leader says, If Bashar falls we have to unite with Israel against the new goverment!!
  7. IbnAlwaled

    Strongest Empires by timeline

  8. IbnAlwaled

    Strongest Empires by timeline

    lol, I edited my post before you replied.
  9. IbnAlwaled

    Strongest Empires by timeline

    why do you like to pretend like you have a comprehension problem? When i added the statement"I think this comes from Talmudic nonsense." It was intended to clarify which part of your BS I was quoting. the BIBLICAL part. No one knows how many sons Noah has or what their names were. Most...
  10. IbnAlwaled

    Strongest Empires by timeline

  11. IbnAlwaled

    Strongest Empires by timeline

    @The SC, I asked you : still waiting... @p(-)0ENiX : Except that Arabs are Semites and Arabic is Semitic language, there is no proof of what you said whatsoever. I think this comes from Talmudic nonsense.
  12. IbnAlwaled

    Egypt Muslim Brotherhood Mulls Run For Presidency

    Also, who the **** asked for your worthless army, we are more than capable of defending ourselves.
  13. IbnAlwaled

    Egypt Muslim Brotherhood Mulls Run For Presidency

    Do you have proof the Saudi Arabia is funding the salafis? The only people who we are funding is your GOVERNMENT by wasting billions$ of OUR money to you ungrateful Egyptians. Plus, the only war you fought for "others" was 48, 67 Israel attacked, and 73 for Sina. You gave nothing for the "Arab...
  14. IbnAlwaled

    Egypt Muslim Brotherhood Mulls Run For Presidency

    Everyone knows that Hazem Salah Abu Ismail is going to win, unless the military council fucks up the election.
  15. IbnAlwaled

    kalu_miah's new world order, a road map for the future

    wow, Iran is sitting on a racial time bomb.
  16. IbnAlwaled

    Strongest Empires by timeline

    Whats wrong with saying facts, are you against stating facts now? In any case, I thought you guys would love to go to hell, so you can worship fire forever. :rofl:
  17. IbnAlwaled

    Strongest Empires by timeline

    The source you provided is clearly written by a Muslim:1001 Inventions - Discover The Muslim Heritage In Our World | 1001 Inventions Also, you really can't give a counter example when the discussion is about a trend, from democracy to logic to another million topics, the west has always claimed...
  18. IbnAlwaled

    Saudi-India defence relations getting stronger and stronger

    As long as you honor your agreement to supply us with nuclear weapons when needed, we could't care less who you choose to be friends with.
  19. IbnAlwaled

    Algeria and France

    I read somewhere that France helped the Israeli nuclear program to get back at the Arabs for supporting Algerian independence.
  20. IbnAlwaled

    Saudi-India defence relations getting stronger and stronger

    Most Saudi Money sent to other countries goes to humanitarian reasons. In fact Saudi Arabia is the #1 in the World in donations: List of governments by development aid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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