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  1. IbnAlwaled

    Egypt Muslim Brotherhood Mulls Run For Presidency

    LOL, is your current government also corrupt ?, because I only remember us wasting money to ungrateful Egyptians after the revolution to try to revive your dead economy. Remember, you need us more than we need you. In the past we did need Egyptian workers, teachers and doctors. But now you offer...
  2. IbnAlwaled

    Egypt Muslim Brotherhood Mulls Run For Presidency

    I meant form a coalition. I should say that Saudi Arabia views MB suspiciously and all GCC countries hate them unfortunately. But as long as the Iranians are still present in Arab countries Saudi Arabia will be friendly to MB.
  3. IbnAlwaled

    Egypt Muslim Brotherhood Mulls Run For Presidency

    The ony reason why some Egyptians support nuclear Iran, is because they think then they will get a chance to get one too.
  4. IbnAlwaled

    Egypt Muslim Brotherhood Mulls Run For Presidency

    Well, they do also remember that we are giving you guys billions $ and have countless Egyptians living and working in GCC. Egyptians view Saudi Arabia very favorably, I don't know who you've been taking too in USA, but the relations are unbreakable.The King Abdullah seaway being built between...
  5. IbnAlwaled

    Egypt Muslim Brotherhood Mulls Run For Presidency

    As I said, no mention of our government here.
  6. IbnAlwaled

    Egypt Muslim Brotherhood Mulls Run For Presidency

    Egypt will always be an Islamic Arab country, whether you atheist/Christian like it or not. Everyone knows that the normal Egyptian guy is very religious and if Nour and MB unite, then its over for you secularists. Viva Egypt!
  7. IbnAlwaled

    Egypt Muslim Brotherhood Mulls Run For Presidency

    Nothing says that our government is the one doing the funding and not Saudi citizens.
  8. IbnAlwaled

    Palestine in photos

    What ever is taken by force can only be retaken by force.
  9. IbnAlwaled

    Iranians We Love You: Israel

    I said leader not The leader. This guy was one of the founders of hizbashytan. Don't you think I know what the fat pig Hassan looks like?
  10. IbnAlwaled

    Iranians We Love You: Israel

    The proxy war has already started(GCC vs Iran, Hezbollah and Israel). Let me be very clear: WE ARE WINNING
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