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  1. P

    Pakistan and Israel

    We don't love the arabs...we don't hate them either.
  2. P

    Genetic Journey of a Pakistani

    Can you go to some indian forums? Why are indians here like a pack of wild dogs? Why are indians sooo jealous and obsessed about Pakistan and Pakistanis? Indians are just guests on our forums...keep in your limits. :cheers:
  3. P

    Pakistan and Israel

    You're selfish.You are sucking up to the arabs,and you don't seem to give a F*** about your own people. Pakistani's in general don't hate Israel,we don't want war with Israel.Stop showing Pakistan in the wrong light.
  4. P

    Peshawar-bound bus attacked in Afghanistan; 11 killed

    R.I.P to all innocent People murderd =(
  5. P

    Pakistan and Israel

    It's our duty to protect our own Pakistan first! :pakistan:
  6. P

    Pakistan and Israel

    Is that the best you can come up with?? There were bomb blast's in Lahore and Peshawar- hundreds of innocents were murderd,and all you can think about is Palestine?? Do you think poor Pakistani people want to die for a "free palestine"??? The vast majority of Pakistanis would never die for...
  7. P

    Discover "Azerbaijan - The Land of Fire"

    Turkey is a modern Muslim Country.Pakistan would also be better off as a modern Muslim State. Who are you to decide how a Muslim should beahve? Only Allah has the right to judge. When do you hear about bombs going off in Azerbaijan and Turkey?(very rare) In Pakistan there are bomb blasts...
  8. P

    Pakistan and Israel

    arab's only care for a "free palestine"...they want us to die for their "palestine",but they don't give a F*** about the Pakistani's dying each day.
  9. P

    Pakistan and Israel

    Why are we even discussing Isreal and "palestine"????? This forum is about Pakistan!! Pakistani's are dying brutal deaths everyday!!! Do you think arab's care for Pakistan???? NO WAY! Sometime's when i see Pakistanis caring more for those palestinians then inncocent Pakisatnis...i feel...
  10. P

    Pakistan and Israel

    ^^^ Please don't use the "Muslim Brotherhood" phrases again,because i'm sick and tired of seeing certain Pakistanis- who seem to care more about "palestine" than their own Country. All i see is "free palestine","f*** israel" propoganda everywhere. I mean we can't even talk about our own...
  11. P

    Pakistan and Israel

    Isreal has not harmed Pakistan,and most Israeli's are normal human beings like you and i. I have no issue with Israel- as long as they don't harm my Country. Palestinians and the arabs have not done anything for Pakistan. When does an arab come out and say "we support you Pakistan" or when...
  12. P

    Discover "Azerbaijan - The Land of Fire"

    You're not very welcoming:disagree: This forum is about Pakistan- not Palestine....maybe you should take your emotion's for Palestine somewhere else? :cheers:
  13. P

    Discover "Azerbaijan - The Land of Fire"

    Thank You for coming here! Azerbaijan is the only Country which has really intrested me in the "Muslim World". You have a beautiful Country :) I would like to visit Azerbaijan one day.
  14. P

    Pakistanis suck up to Middle Easterners

    Agreed.We Pakistanis,are losing our identity day by day.:angry:
  15. P

    Genetic Journey of a Pakistani

    Originally Posted by MilesTogo Adopting Arabic as national language will immediately solve Pakistan's problem of Indian Cultural influences through TV and movies. How can you say we should adopt Arbic as our language? We're NOT arabs!
  16. P

    Genetic Journey of a Pakistani

    Agree with you :) We should remember; there are Pakistani Atheists,Christians,Hindus ect.We are all Paksitanis,and love our Country.We should respect one another regard less of religious beliefs. Why is Islam brought up everywhere? I'm getting tired of seeing this every time a Pakistani...
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