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    Who gave British the right to grant the land of Palestine to Jews?

    Correct-a-mundo :tup: It would be insane for the people of what is now modern day Pakistan to call themselves native to the soil. They have time and again been raided by foreign peoples such as the Turks, Persians, Uzbeks etc, which are the results of those foreign peoples. Sad but true
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    Taiwan Drills Test Defenses Against China Attack

    Well done :cheers: Chinese hegemony needs to be stopped
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    Who gave British the right to grant the land of Palestine to Jews?

    The same British that gave Pakistan it's independence after it was colonized.
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    Over 1000 **** sites blocked in Pakistan: PTA approved

    Doesnt seem like its gonna happen. Let the women decide what they want. ;)
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    2 NATO Soldiers Killed in Southern Afghanistan

    I'll remember this when there's another drone attack/bomb blast/communal riot/ethnic cleansing in Pakistan On topic, may the two RIP
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    Muslim woman removed from flight

    Oh please save the "Israel the evil Jew state" to yourselves. I stopped listening after that.
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    Muslim woman removed from flight

    They sure as hell aren't Buddists or zoroastrians
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    Anti-Islam on the rise in Europe !

    Yes let's not also go as far as Islamic human rights where a woman has to prove herself innocent as she is raped. Or how about getting lashed for driving a car? Yeah at least the accusers are tried and persecuted if found guilty. I can post some videos of Pakistani human rights against their own...
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    Muslim woman removed from flight

    Has nothing to do with patriotism. The fact that you can badmouth the same men and women who keep this country free of Islamic extremists, so that you can go to bed, go to school, party and take a $hit in peace.
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    Anti-Islam on the rise in Europe !

    Save us the crocodile tears Don't worry about killing people China and Africa: Don't worry about killing people | The Economist China courts Africa's abusers of human rights China courts Africa's abusers of human rights - Telegraph Human Rights Last Human Rights Last...
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    Muslim woman removed from flight

    And you live in America... :rolleyes: Yeah you're talking about the same soldiers who protect your @ss while you sleep at night comfortable in your bed, rather than Pakistan. It's disgusting to know we have morons like you within the country. And you people wonder why there is so much...
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    Smokers' Joint

    Smoking a joint every other week.. cigs nah not so much
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    Favorite movies soundtrack

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    JH7 crashes at 2011 CIGAC

    Sad incident. Glad there were no casualties :tup: Chinese fighter jet crashes at air show 14 October 2011 Last updated at 05:09 ET Help A Chinese air force fighter jet has crashed during an exhibition at an air show in China's north-western Shaanxi province. The pilot of the FBC-1 "Flying...
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    Muslim woman removed from flight

    The fact that she's able to sue the airlines, speaks volumes of how much freedom she gets. I'm glad she has taken advantage of her rights :tup:
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    Jail for refusal to remove burqa in Australia

    And who will enforce that rule? You? After all it's Australia. It's their land their rules, live by it or leave. simple.
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    What is possibility of a potential war between US and Pakistan?

    Possibility is zero Pakistan cannot afford it at all. And opening another front would be suicidal for us. After all Pakistan is our friend :angel:
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    Israel stages new air raid in Gaza

    Lol look back again. Your clever little friend T-Rex brought Kashmir into the topic. And while we're off topic with that little remark, why not talk about the other Muslim groups who seem to be facing injustice like the Uyghurs? Or is it that "Holier than thou" attitude?
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    Israel stages new air raid in Gaza

    Nah but the whole drama of crying and slamming one's chest when a deceased terrorist is killed by an "unbeliever" is frowned upon in the Muslim world. Whereas if a Muslim is killed by another Muslim or even by a "friendly country" (hint hint) they are immediately labeled as terrorists being...
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