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  1. X

    Pakistan has developed smartest nuclear bombs

    So many grammatical just on a report. Good luck to Pakistan and its "smart nuclear tactical device" :P
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    Pakistan Military Band Performance in Moscow 2011

    The whole dance in the middle killed it.
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    Digging into China’s nuclear tunnels

    By William Wan | The Washington Post – 3 hrs ago Georgetown University's Professor Phillip A. Karber spent the Cold War as a top strategist reporting directly to the secretary of defense and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. (The Washington Post …more ) The Chinese have called...
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    Pakistan rejects NATO 'regrets' and 'Self Defence' Claims

    Pakistan has denied reports that it opened fire first provoking the Nato air strike which killed 24 troops at a checkpoint on the Afghan border. It follows claims by Afghan officials that Nato forces were retaliating for gunfire from the Pakistani side of the volatile border region on...
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    India, Iran cradles of great civilizations: Iranian envoy

    I'm waiting till PEOPLE start participating lol.
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    Pakistan blocks NATO supplies

    Pretty pathetic that you had to make an account just to quote me.
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    Pakistan rejects NATO 'regrets' and 'Self Defence' Claims

    Bring it son. Pakistan is just full of talks. Nothing happened and nothing will happen. Life will continue to go on as normal once again.
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    India, Iran cradles of great civilizations: Iranian envoy

    True, but all white people look alike to me also. Maybe its because there is so much intermarriage here. What's your ethnic background btw? Ive always been fascinated with things like that.
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    Pakistan blocks NATO supplies

    Then what are you doing living in Jersey son?!
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    India, Iran cradles of great civilizations: Iranian envoy

    Stop being a party pooper and play the damn game!!
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    India, Iran cradles of great civilizations: Iranian envoy

    Let's play a game. There's an Indian, Pakistani, Persian and Bangladishi. Match accordingly. To be honest I cant tell the difference.
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    India, Iran cradles of great civilizations: Iranian envoy

    Indians, Pakistanis, Iranians, Afghans, Saudis, (can't tell the difference between these groups) all have semetic features. South Indians, Sri Lankans, Bangladeshis (Cant tell the difference) Chinese, Japanese, Taiwanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Thai, (Can't tell the difference) Anglo American...
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    Who gave British the right to grant the land of Palestine to Jews?

    Good job you know your history. You just proved that "Pakistan" was created after WWII. And stop comparing Pakistan and Serbia, you don't make any friggen sense.
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    Who gave British the right to grant the land of Palestine to Jews?

    With people of "some" education such as yourself, you would at least know that the word "Pakistan" was coined somewhere before or after WWII.
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    Who gave British the right to grant the land of Palestine to Jews?

    I was referring to your insane claim that Moses, Abraham and Adam were considered Muslims. No Jew or Christian buys that hogwash
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    Who gave British the right to grant the land of Palestine to Jews?

    The country "Pakistan" came into existence in 1947. There was no such place before it. Aborigines have been living in Australia for thousands of years, yet they've adapted even with the "white man's" arrival.
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    Who gave British the right to grant the land of Palestine to Jews?

    Sorry Jews and Christians don't buy that fairytale.
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    Who gave British the right to grant the land of Palestine to Jews?

    If you look at it, Muslims aren't happy in any country. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of patriotic Muslims in America. However others want separate homelands. Such as the Chechens of Russia, Kashmiris of India, Uighyurs of China, Kurds of Turkey, Bosnians of Serbia, now they want Shariah...
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