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  1. X

    Stressed-out Chinese students get IV drips right in class

    We're going to go ahead and say that if you need an IV drip to replenish your amino acids because you're cramming so furiously and unstintingly for an exam, you might be pushing yourself a tad too hard. But then we've never had to study for China's Gaokao, the make-or-break national college...
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    China begins to turn against Iran

    'China adamantly opposes Iran developing and possessing nuclear weapons,' Wen Jiabao, the Chinese premier, said Iran slipped further into global isolation on Thursday as China, its traditional ally, warned Tehran against its pursuit of nuclear weapons. After a visit to the Gulf in which...
  3. X

    Turkey & Iran and Iran and Arabs (The Political Differences)

    Divide and rule? Lol you guys have done that by yourselves. Iraqis fighting Iranians, Saudis killing Kuwaitis, Shias and Sunnis fighting amongst each other. Israelis have been forced out of their homes and now are taking it back. Are Muslums so weak that they cant take back such a small piece of...
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    North India Train Crash Kills at Least Five .

    What ancient civilization? The China we know today became a country in 1949.
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    Turkey & Iran and Iran and Arabs (The Political Differences)

    You face everything that you give. Expect to be treated like crap when all you do is demonize everyone "un Islamic"
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    $117 million brand new Chinese ship sinks at launch

    I only want to tell Indian posters that the Mod here is in favor of no one,espeially we Chinese Lol we can see that. One Chinese banned out of 100. Enjoy your ban buddy.
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    US is a dependable defense supplier for India: Pentagon

    And then you complain when something is said about Islam :rolleyes: Hypocritical Muslims.
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    Turkey & Iran and Iran and Arabs (The Political Differences)

    You face discrimination because you discriminate against others. I've seen your posts, don't act like the victim. Almost EVERY post of yours has some **** on how horrible America and NATO countries are. Yet you live in one of them. Forget about that, there are numerous of posts of you talking...
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    Iran to Send White House Toy Model of Captured CIA Drone

    Lol what a loser. I say just carpet bomb the damn place. It'll look nicer than it already is :enjoy:
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    $117 million brand new Chinese ship sinks at launch

    Well glad there weren't any deaths.
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    North India Train Crash Kills at Least Five .

    RIP to the dead. Brownie points for innocent deaths, damn how low will you go. :no:
  12. X

    Poor Asian boy beaten up behind school (Graphic/Upsetting)

    Well along with every other religion. It's fake and made up by some outcaste Jew.
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    Poor Asian boy beaten up behind school (Graphic/Upsetting)

    My stepmom is a Persian Muslim. I guess I can say stuff about Islam?
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    Poor Asian boy beaten up behind school (Graphic/Upsetting)

    idk if youve noticed but if you click the YouTube link it states that 4 out of the 5 boys are Chinese. Wu doesn't sound like a "white" name. And scared of black people? :lol: a Pakistani talking about being scared? You guys along with your Indian and Arab brothers are one of the most passive...
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    Chinese general: We are no match for USA

    Its just funny, hearing some members on here comparing themselves to Americans wishing for your downfall. Just a simple gloved slap to your fanboys.
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    True, I have nothing against Muslims. But it seems like anything said against ANY of them, some radical members on here are quick to defend them even though they're making themselves look like retards. (If thats anymore possible)
  17. X

    Was India Better Under the British ?

    The Brits did one thing to their advantage after ruling India. It could be seen on this very forum :azn:
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    Chinese general: We are no match for USA

    This Chinese general has got some balls. Hopefully he isn't secretly taken somewhere and never heard about again..
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    So typical. Anything said against Muslims and you Pakistanis automatically start blaming the world. Grow up.
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