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    US Senate approves faster US troop withdrawal from Afghanistan

    We all knew this was coming.
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    Reuters claims that Pakistani-Americans are masquerading as Indians.

    Well I haven't really met any Pakistani or Indian that looked different. You all look the same $hit to me. I've got stereotypes for Pakistanis as well including the Indian ones. :D
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    Reuters claims that Pakistani-Americans are masquerading as Indians.

    Not really, Mexicans have reserved that spot :D The Indian stereotype are call centers, curry, Apu, spicy food, turbaned men, mustached women etc. I agree there is a lot of stereotyping even in the case of racism, but most Americans cannot tell the difference between an Indian, Pakistani...
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    Destiny?: Fatima Bhutto to contest next elections

    You a chubby chaser? lol
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    Destiny?: Fatima Bhutto to contest next elections

    Damn she's sexy... I wouldn't mind her being the president ;)
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    Are U.S. Defense Experts Getting China Wrong?

    That would be a huge setback for US - Pakistan relations. Besides didn't China help Pakistan with it's nuclear program? What has Pakistan have to offer?
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    Two men of Pakistani descent charged in US with terror support, conspiracy

    Good they should be tortured and shipped back to their crap hole.
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    Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern

    Hungary Bizarre Foods Hungary With Andrew Zimmern Part 1-3 - YouTube
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    Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern

    Anyone seen this show before? Most of the crap he eats looks disgusting, but some of it looks really good. China That third video is friggen disgusting :sick:
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    What's your Countrys Coat of Arms?

    Pretty interesting reads. Coat of Arms, Emblems same thing.
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    Disfigured permanently, how cool is that war mongers?

    :lol: Ive seen Pakistanis gloat of how they defeated the Soviets. And now when it suits them they deny the fact that this is their war. I really do feel sorry for those whom have lost their lives during battle against terrorism. However Pakistan needs to stop it's double game.
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    White House Petition for Law Against Blasphemy: Please sign now and spread

    I think Muslims are very insecure about their religion. Not all, but most. Same goes for other ultra religious morons out there.
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    White House Petition for Law Against Blasphemy: Please sign now and spread

    We're not the ones executing our own citizens for being a different religion. Sad thing is that it's law in your country.
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    White House Petition for Law Against Blasphemy: Please sign now and spread

    With what? Of how Muslims are discriminated against? LOL Go for it
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    White House Petition for Law Against Blasphemy: Please sign now and spread

    Pakistanis out of all people telling us to run our country :rofl: You people really do need a reality check!
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    Pakistan official offers $100,000 reward for killing of maker film

    Pakistan official offers $100,000 reward for killing of maker of anti-Prophet Muhammad film A file photo taken on May 19, 2011, shows Pakistani Federal Railways Minister Haji Ghulam Ahmed Bilour, center, paying his respects at the Sikh Shrine the Golden temple in Amritsar. Bilour on...
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