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  1. X

    Woman 'Shocked' Over Headscarf Firing

    So over the top :rolleyes:
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    "The real terrorist was me" : US Soldier (must watch it)

    Worry about putting those culprits away from your 1971 freedom struggle, then talk about American atrocities. :rolleyes:
  3. X

    Guess 2012 Summer Olympics Rankings & Medal Tally.

    UK's gotta pretty good boxing delegation. I'm more interested in that above all. We'll see.. if anything we'll be in the top 3 :azn:
  4. X

    Inventions by Muslims.

    Music?! :lol: Surgery I believe was started in India.. I have no clue about hospitals, toothbrushes, and zero was way before Islam was around.. It was used with the Aztecs, Indians, Syrians and Greeks.
  5. X

    [B]I quit[/B]

    Lol silly you! You can't make friends on a defense site :P In all seriousness, bye bye :wave:
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    Islam is Growing Fast

    Religion is a personal issue. It's funny seeing people jump up and down thinking their religion is the best. lol Besides if I'm not mistaken, it seems as if Buddhism is growing at a rapid rate particularly in the US and parts of Europe and Australia. I'm actually very intrigued with the...
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    This was Afghanistan before the Soviet invasion !

    Thank your government as well. You know the Soviets wouldn't have stopped at Afghanistan right? They would've probably ended up in Pakistan and parts of North India
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    This was Afghanistan before the Soviet invasion !

    Nice pictures, but would you really want the country run by commies if the Soviet Union had invaded?
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    Does China have locally-made ASCM as fast as Brahmos?

    Doesn't Russia operate them as well?
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    Questions that pop up in your mind!

    My question is .. Why are South Asians (Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshi people etc) such emotional people?
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    Russia snubs India; cancels navy, army war games

    Ouch..... Hey we offer open arms :D
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    Pakistan is a `Chick Magnet’

    Can u translate that ???
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    Pakistan is a `Chick Magnet’

    It's called a "bikini contest" for a reason. I'd choose that than burqa contest any day. :P
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    Pakistan is a `Chick Magnet’

    Well he looked Chinese (somewhere from East Asia lol), but he said he was from theTibetan part of India Well yeah if you look at the Indians and Pakistanis here, they almost look middle eastern/mediterranian and even mexican/hispanic
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    Pakistan is a `Chick Magnet’

    Well the most preferred men here are black guys, it's called "jungle fever".. Then come white guys and mexicans and people like to go exotic and go for middle eastern/persian/indian & pakistani men. I cant really tell the difference between a pakistani and an indian unless one has a full...
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    Pakistan is a `Chick Magnet’

    I gotta admit Aishwaarya is beautiful. And maybe some other actresses, but most of them look like armpit girl
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    Pakistan is a `Chick Magnet’

    Dude a lot of indian chicks i've seen look like that :rofl: There are some cute ones but literally most of them here look like that, and they have the stupid snotty attitude as if they're sooo hot That armpit hair is friggen nasty though :sick:
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    Pakistan is a `Chick Magnet’

    How does wearing a bikini make you a slut?
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    Pakistan is a `Chick Magnet’

    Damn I'd tap that.. :cheesy: I've never seen pakistani women like this before. Well I've dated 2 middle eastern chicks but nothing ever likes this wow.. I'm coming to pakistan :yahoo: Fkcu the security warnings !!
  20. X

    On May 21, the world will end! --- Finally!!!

    :blink: Seriously? I'm sorry but that's such a sissy way out. :no:
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