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    11 dead, 89 injured in E China train derailment

    China fires 3 officials after deadly train crash By Royston Chan and Maxim Duncan Reuters updated 7/24/2011 10:21:48 AM ET 2011-07-24T14:21:48 WENZHOU, China — China sacked three senior railway officials on Sunday after a collision between two high-speed trains killed at least 43...
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    Aircraft boneyards of the world

    Nice thread :tup:
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    11 dead, 89 injured in E China train derailment

    Looks like Indians and Chinese are in a trolling mood. A death is a death and it seems like both idiots from either side are hitting below the belt. Posts reported.
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    Iran nuclear scientist assassinated in Tehran

    Aww what a pity :cry:
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    Norway: Terrorism in Oslo and Utoeya by suspected far-right Christian

    RIP to the dead.. :frown: Religion is what's gonna ruin this planet I tell ya
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    Why the U.S. Is Demonizing and Destroying Pakistan

    What I find hilarious is that people from other countries living in the US, yet badmouthing the country while living comfortably here. This is what I call hypocrisy :rolleyes:
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    Why the U.S. Is Demonizing and Destroying Pakistan

    It's written in the quran that the US will dump Israel? :rofl: Lemme see a quote :lol:
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    Indian army officers killed in Siachen fire.

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    Iran military denies reports of U.S. drone shot down

    Just what I thought :lol:
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    Pakistan shopping from black market to create hydogen bomb

    Where the hell did you get that figure from? All the countries with nukes combined including Israel and North Korea do not pass that amount :lol:
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    Is it time for Pakistan to seriously start considering an ICBM ?

    Yawn I forgot about that "Muslim brotherhood" thing lol. Pakistan has done more damage to itself than any other outside country. Right on top as a failed state, on the bottom of the global peace index.. Don't take my word for it, these are from your own sources. Search Results pakistan the...
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    Is it time for Pakistan to seriously start considering an ICBM ?

    Hell yes, better than the county harboring the world's most wanted man ;)
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    Is it time for Pakistan to seriously start considering an ICBM ?

    And you speak as a Pakistani who has been left back in Bangladish. Mr. AhaseebA has given valid reasons why its a bad idea for pakistan to acquire an ICBM. The country is facing serious Islamist threats left and right, the countries growth is next to zero, it will only worsen Pakistan's image...
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    Fake Apple stores found in Kunming city, China

    :lol: Did you even see post 30? The "new" Chinese ebook is a ripoff of the Kindle 2!! And really? Apple is being sued for copying software? Any proof to back up your claim?
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    Congrats Chinese-Dragon on joining the Elite group!

    Congrats Chinese Dragon :cheers:
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    Fake Apple stores found in Kunming city, China

    Actually if you go back to post 30, you can see a smashing copy of the Kindle 2 compared to the new Chinese ebook. Chinese innovation at its best :rolleyes:
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    Is it time for Pakistan to seriously start considering an ICBM ?

    Bad time for pakistan :disagree: It will only worsen the countries image more than it already has
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    Fake Apple stores found in Kunming city, China

    And the Chinese claim to be "innovative" lol, I've yet to see a Chinese product that hasn't been renamed from an American or Japanese product. Oh and btw it's store not stoer :rofl:
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    Prahaar missile test fired successfully

    Congratulations India and Indians lol :cheers:
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