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  1. Nelson

    Now, Pakistanis can invest in India

    Money????? WOW
  2. Nelson

    Revenue figures of countries in defence Sector

    Bad idea. Myanmar is not a terrerist or failed state. Why should we bomb them?
  3. Nelson

    France workers sacked for fasting!!!

    Yeah because eating a cow is not mandatory in any religion but fasting is mandatory for muslims during ramadan. Your all weather friend china is stopping muslims to fast during ramadan. But it looks like you are more interested in bending over to them at any cost :lol:. Fine by me.
  4. Nelson

    China Did Not Ban Fasting-So indians! stop hopping on Western Propaganda.

    Just like any sane person - I wanna believe the international media over chinese keyboard warriors working for CPC. Thanks for your reply though.
  5. Nelson

    China Did Not Ban Fasting-So indians! stop hopping on Western Propaganda.

    Mate- this news paper is soon going to be called RAW agent or western propaganda machine. You bet?
  6. Nelson

    China Did Not Ban Fasting-So indians! stop hopping on Western Propaganda.

    I hope these thekedars of muslims behave the same way when such news come out for India or any other western country. Am I asking too much guys??
  7. Nelson

    China Did Not Ban Fasting-So indians! stop hopping on Western Propaganda.

    I didn't say that. I just said that you think we're liars. So how is that different from china stopping Muslims (CPC officials or students or whatever) from fasting during Ramadan? And by the way, according to you we are liars anyways. We should get the benefit of doubt but not china. :lol:
  8. Nelson

    China Did Not Ban Fasting-So indians! stop hopping on Western Propaganda.

    Right. If India cancels subsidy for Hajj than we become Yindoo evil Bharti, but when china stops muslims from fasting during ramadan, it still remains "Purer than mountains and oceans" :lol:
  9. Nelson

    China Did Not Ban Fasting-So indians! stop hopping on Western Propaganda.

    You said it yourself. According to you we are liars. We're kafir and evil country anyways. But you guys are from the land of pure, aren't you? You should be pure and not hypocrites. You pure people should not show double standards like you did for France.
  10. Nelson

    China curbs Ramadan fasting

    Well if you're really following this forum then you're not following it properly sonny. Did you miss these?? http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/168370-israel-considers-banning-burka.htmlhttp://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/168370-israel-considers-banning-burka.html...
  11. Nelson

    China curbs Ramadan fasting

    Son, you're just 2 months old here. You don't know how people have "contributed" (as you wanna call it) in threads like these. I'm missing those people you know.
  12. Nelson

    China curbs Ramadan fasting

    Guys relax! China is not kafir, yindoo baniya evil hindu country. So its fine and its allowed. Though its not allowed for France, India or any western country.
  13. Nelson

    Pak may never try another Kargil, but it could get worse

    You went there when we were not even present in Kashmir. You call it a victory? :rofl: Stalemate? lol you wanted to TAKE Kashmir, did you do that? Oh you didn't? well, that doesn't sound like victory to me. I'm not sure about Pakistani meaning of victory lol. What is the result sir? We cut...
  14. Nelson

    Pak may never try another Kargil, but it could get worse

    Whenever Pak tries to go to war with India, they end up losing it. I dont think Pak would like to lose 4th time. I do feel that if Pak is successful to protect Balchistan this time, that would be a victory for them. :lol:
  15. Nelson

    Pak may never try another Kargil, but it could get worse

    He he he he Pakistan army did not accept their own soldiers' dead bodies. What a great respect given to their soldiers! All this was just to avoid humiliation of defeat at the hands of India. lol
  16. Nelson

    Pak may never try another Kargil, but it could get worse

    Pakistanis must have cried really bad for losing once again to India. The only thing I never understood that whether Pakistan is obsessed with fighting war; or is it obsessed with facing the humiliation again and again at the hands of evil Indians?
  17. Nelson

    Powerful Pakistan Women Wearing Sarees - Then & Now

    I think there is a difference between traditional outfit and famous (or common) one. But hey, whatever.
  18. Nelson

    Hate violence: Ahmadi leader gunned down in Karachi

    Well Hindus are Kafirs anyways. Thats why they do it. But why your pure people do it in the pure land? :lol:
  19. Nelson

    Will 2012 be the end of Lollywood?

    LOL at the thread. The Pak film industry or LOLLYWOOD (lol at the name too) died long back. Making 10 to 12 films an year cant be called industry to begin with. I am afraid more people may turn to extrimism due to absence of cricket and films. I don't see any form of entertainment for Pak...
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