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  1. Nelson

    Donors back out: Govt may award Diamer-Bhasha Dam contract to China

    I hope China dont back out as usual. Has the "flood aid" money released by China (to Pakistan)? No? Well thats sad. Well unfortunately the World Bank doesnt agree with you on this. he he he...
  2. Nelson

    first time Chinese naval ship formation to visit Israel

    News came on 13th August. Lol.
  3. Nelson

    ADB wants Pakistan to bow before India

    Your leaders said the same to ADB but they told your leaders to bow down to India. Is it not? Okay. My bad. They can bow before India.
  4. Nelson

    ADB wants Pakistan to bow before India

    Come bow down to us and take the money, Pakistan.
  5. Nelson

    Two Pakistanis killed in Nato attack

    Nazi mentality is to think that certain race is superior to others. Its not Indians who asked for a country on that basis. I can say more on this but that would be off topic. But honestly, you guys are the true heir of that NAZI ideology. He did not wait for the right time to do that, which...
  6. Nelson

    Two Pakistanis killed in Nato attack

    Can't take chances you know. Just don't send any businessmen there for a while. It won't harm Afghanistani economy, I can assure you that. You should ask those businessmen to do business in pakistan first, it might help your dying economy. Again, can't take chances you know. Being a terrorist...
  7. Nelson

    I believe in Romancing the India-Pakistan border

    I used to think the same. I was mamma's little boy. And one day, I joined PDF!
  8. Nelson

    Two Pakistanis killed in Nato attack

    Again, it was meant to kill Talibs. They must have got the wrong or innocent man, but the intention was to kill terrorists and not to terrorize. Finest example is US drone strikes. (I deleted your second para as it did not make sense) It doesn't prove anything now does it? I can quote some...
  9. Nelson

    Two Pakistanis killed in Nato attack

    Your right. NA used to kill people using some strange laws. It was NA which punished women for laughing out loud or talkin loud. It was them who destroyed Buddha statute. It was them who harbored most wanted terrorist. You have a great knowledge indeed. I can direct you to some threads which...
  10. Nelson

    Two Pakistanis killed in Nato attack

    Yeah right. You compare NA with Talibs and praise youself (claim to be) having "more" knowledge :lol: And what happened to your claim of India supporting uprising in Balochistan?? Kindly share your pure (and more) knowledge :lol:
  11. Nelson

    Two Pakistanis killed in Nato attack

    Did you just compare NA with your former ally Taliban?? lol Proof? No? Hence overruled again!
  12. Nelson

    How Kashmir was stolen from Pakistan by Mountbatten

    That means that Kashmir was not stolen by Mountbaton (as claimed by the article) but Pakistan threw it away for showing her immaturity and impatience. Pakistanis should blame their own policies for this mess and not Mountbaton or India for that matter.
  13. Nelson

    Two Pakistanis killed in Nato attack

    We dont have terrorism history with jihadis present in ******* border areas. Hence your suggestion is overruled.
  14. Nelson

    How Kashmir was stolen from Pakistan by Mountbatten

    Was it Mountbaton who ordered PA to infiltrate in Kashmir without the latter approved its accession to Pakistan??
  15. Nelson

    India minister says 'Stealing is Ok'

    Our politicians are patriotic. Its better than begging from Amreeka anyways.
  16. Nelson

    Two Pakistanis killed in Nato attack

    I guess, US is thinking that the moment they see Pakistanis inside Afghanistan territory, they should kill them. I suggest pakistanis to stay away from the border area even if it is for the sake of your holy jihad. RIP.
  17. Nelson

    Protest By Muslims Against Assam Riots Turns Violent in Mumbai

    We should implement the so called ( & stupid ofcourse) 2 nation theory effectively. Its high time. Send all those pigs to burma, myanmar & bangladesh. Problem solved. And we lived happily ever after.
  18. Nelson

    Protest By Muslims Against Assam Riots Turns Violent in Mumbai

    Burma riots? lol I'm sure Muslims can't even point out Burma on the map as majority of them are illiterate lol. They don't even know that Burma and Myanmar is not part of India :lol:
  19. Nelson

    Protest By Muslims Against Assam Riots Turns Violent in Mumbai

    Muslims are very peaceful it seems. I wont be surprised if they start protesting over US killings pakistanis. Very peaceful indeed.
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