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  1. mb444

    Jerusalem Post: The Turkish saga

    Bravo good come back.... That taught me
  2. mb444

    Jerusalem Post: The Turkish saga

    Given that your cranium seems firmly lodged between your gluteus maximus a perceptual fail I guess was always inevitable
  3. mb444

    Jerusalem Post: The Turkish saga

    I don't think he feels that embarrassed dude but given your hissy fit its quite clear he has just achieved a direct hit....... You know what they say about pompous self righteous aholes in their glass houses.....
  4. mb444

    UN to award Bangladesh for hunger halving well before MDG time

    1 in 3 people still hungry. Nothing to cheer about. We as a people need better planning governance and execution in population control and economic development.
  5. mb444

    Bangladesh Economy: News & Updates

    That's a little unfair..... Credit must be given when due. Hate Bal politics by all mean but please don't knock development. Everything can not be viewed simply through the prism of BAL destructive political manuvaring.
  6. mb444

    Bangladesh Government to export unused bandwidth to India

    Silly to waste bandwidth. If it generates revenue without sacrificing BD capability I don't see any issues with this.
  7. mb444

    Bangladesh: Roots Of Liberation At Stake – Analysis

    Total hindutva bs..... The spirit of liberation of Bangladesh is 1947 to be a sovereign independent nation. It is to be a Muslim nation and it's aspiration is neither subject to domination by others. That means not subservient to India or west Pakistan elite. 1971 did not in any way...
  8. mb444

    1,500 Bangladeshi tribals seek refuge in India

    Hindutva propaganda machine to assist the BAL scums...
  9. mb444

    India factor in Bangladesh politics

    India is an enemy of BD hell bent on hedgemony and dominating and exploiting BD. friend no..... Far from it
  10. mb444

    Three-day Trip to India Dipu Moni returns empty-handed

    You have been delaying since 1974.... Don't give us crap. You have no sense of honor or sincerity. No transit will be granted..... If you think a port in myanmer is transit then good luck with that. BD is a sea faring nation, we do not need india. What the hindutva brigade don't get is India...
  11. mb444

    Khaleda meets Nawaz Sharif in Saudi Arabia

    I am not sure what you are saying so can not respond. But when you say "mate" in the context you are saying it, it implies that KZ and Ershad or Shariff had intercourse! I think you meant meet. In terms of KZ meeting Ershad it is possible they meet but did not reach consensus or Ershhad...
  12. mb444

    Three-day Trip to India Dipu Moni returns empty-handed

    Fair enough..... Then you should not be surprised by the contempt with which we BDs hold you.
  13. mb444

    Is India our friend?

    You should visit BD to see for yourself the "plight" of minorities.
  14. mb444

    Ban AL, associates: Jamaat

    If Jamat deregistration is ratified by HC and this anti democratic precidence is set it is almost guaranteed that BAL would be the next victim. Jamat crime is to have a charter that states places absolute trust in Allah rather than democracy. Given BAL tried to introduce a one party state then...
  15. mb444

    Jamaat registration cancelled

    An extremely anti democratic move the worth of a political party should be judged at the ballot box. The precedence is hereby set that a political party can be deregistered. BAL inevitably will be the next victim. As for Jamat they will contest under a new name and this just solidifies BNP...
  16. mb444

    Jubo League leader shot dead in city

    LOL the killer BAL scum has been killed in crossfire to prevent possible implication of Joy in the murder. That dalal is going to be taking over kuttaleague in Dhaka and need all the old guard gone.....
  17. mb444

    Jubo League leader shot dead in city

    BAL scums killing BAL scums ..... May it continue
  18. mb444

    Is India our friend?

    Marginalization of bengalies within Pakistan occurred for political reason. I would agree with you that it was not the utopia that was envisioned but it does not logically follow that internal Muslim rivalry invalidates the reasoning behind the need for two nation to exist. Two nation was...
  19. mb444

    Is India our friend?

    Your argument is predicated on the secular constitutional niceties of the Indian constitution. However in it of itself does not and has not guaranteed the rights of the muslims in actuality. Similar to the US constitution in such proclamation of separate but equal clause Indian constitution...
  20. mb444

    Myanmar Navy starts submarine training in Pakistan

    I do not understand this logic. Pakistan is training the Burmese.... so what? It has nothing to do with BD. Our strategic calculus is uneffected by this. As far as rohingya is concerned that would is something for Pakistan to consider. BD stands alone geographically and also strategically...
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