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  1. R

    Russia to become European powerhouse by 2020

    India just wants anyone with white skin to rule over them. Russia, America, Britain or France will be sufficient.
  2. R

    The top 20 Navies - in your opinions?

    India should come dead last since they have to import everything. All subcomponents are imported :lol:
  3. R

    Naxal Violence: Expanding Into India’s Northeast

    Yea it didn't mean a thing, that's why you had to bring in the military to kill Sikhs and destroy their uprising and demand for freedom and independence in operation blue star.
  4. R

    Pakistan knows it can't win a conventional war with India

    What do you mean Pakistan can't beat India in a conventional war? Pakistan won in 1971.
  5. R

    Naxal Violence: Expanding Into India’s Northeast

    Then we come and liberate the Sikhs, Muslims and Tamils.
  6. R

    Japan-China dispute: Why India should follow middle path

    India is an ant. It will do whatever the west does. India will always be anti-Chinese because the 1962 humiliation still stings them.
  7. R

    China Begins to Lose Edge as World's Factory Floor

    I never said anything about rape. You automatically assumed. America allows the most talented people of every race to enter and help America advance. China should do the same, infact China has a policy to attract to best and brightest people from all over the world.
  8. R

    India hesitant to implement US, EU sanctions on Iran: Report

    India already follow the west in everything. India is pretty much a vassal state of the west.
  9. R

    India’s empty democracy can’t protect its people

    Your regime tried to hide the mass graves of Sikhs killed during their independence movement but the Sikhs exposed the crimes committed by your tyrannical regime. Over 6-7 million Sikhs were massacred by regime forces. This has been carefully kept under wraps under the veil of 'democracy'. Your...
  10. R


    What is the YJ-12? Is it air/land/ship/sub launched cruise missile?
  11. R

    China should strengthen force on Indian border, researcher says

    It seems many Pakistanis and Bangladeshis support China against India. Good to hear. Thanks for the support guys.
  12. R

    Amstrong says sorry.........for doping

    Who in the US doesn't use drugs. Literally EVERYONE in American sports uses drugs. It's accepted as part of culture. It's corporate backed and I'm 100% sure it's backed by your regime.
  13. R

    India’s empty democracy can’t protect its people

    All this Indian 'democracy' is all propaganda. India is ruled by the Nehru-Gandhi family. Why do you think an Italian wife of an Indian politician became the most powerful person in India. India has a controlled opposition, its only for the show to keep the clueless sheep happy. The funniest...
  14. R

    China Begins to Lose Edge as World's Factory Floor

    Imitation is a prerequisite to innovation. In the imitation stage you build the foundations by acquiring existing technology and know-how. Once you copied everything there is to copy, then you invest in R&D to get ahead of the competition. China is still in the latter stages of imitation. You...
  15. R

    China Economy Forum

    When using the exchange rate, the average exchange rate for the year is used, not the latest exchange rate.
  16. R

    PLA Navy in live-fire attack drills in East China and South China seas

    I think agent orange, white phosphorus and depleted uranium is sufficient.
  17. R

    Naxal Violence: Expanding Into India’s Northeast

    Add Khalistan and Tamil Nadu to that list.
  18. R

    Post-revolution Egypt: India as a model.

    Any country thinking India as a model has no future. Caste system, women abusers, fake 'democrazy', racial and religious tensions, poor sanitation, appalling infrastructure, despicable human rights violations, poverty stricken country, politics run by one ruling family, leader is an Italian...
  19. R

    China developing "DOG" robort

    Good to see we are developing these kind of weapons.
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