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  1. Mahinda18

    Should Sri lanka withdraw from SAARC?

    Who do think pays for these housing programs? If they decided to kill themselves for 30 years its not my problem, and why should i pay for this now?! What am I receiving in return? And this not even economical! you know how much each these 'free' houses cost me and all the 'good' tax paying...
  2. Mahinda18

    Should Sri lanka withdraw from SAARC?

    Yes they are, where do think taxes go? where do think the money comes to subsidize their electricity, food, water, fuel??? You think the govt gets its money from a money tree? what about the deficits to fund their security? to fund the deployments?? The govt gets X amount of money from me...
  3. Mahinda18

    Should Sri lanka withdraw from SAARC?

    5.6 Million :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall: are you insane? its 647,100. 647,100 share over $25 Billion USD
  4. Mahinda18

    Should Sri lanka withdraw from SAARC?

    I never like to exaggerate, its not a Colombo thing. We always underestimate and over do. I'll give you an example, when i bought air conditioner for my house, I always underestimated its capacity, and over done the air conditioner. ended up buying a system with 51KW cooling capacity.
  5. Mahinda18

    Should Sri lanka withdraw from SAARC?

    raw materials? raw materials are very cheap compared to the end product. They can be imported at very cheap prices on international commodity markets. And we have a special relation with gulf countries due to the need for raw materials. Can you explain why division never helps? In school i was...
  6. Mahinda18

    Should Sri lanka withdraw from SAARC?

    I didn't say sri lanka, I was talking about Colombo. G8 is about how large it is, it means nothing. Thats why Australia not in G8, but its the number 1 country. What does the G8 even do? is just some economic corporation? This threads not about what sri lanka should join, we'll decide...
  7. Mahinda18

    Should Sri lanka withdraw from SAARC?

    View topic - Lanka not an developing country anymore: WB - Stockinfo.lk - Free Sri Lankan Investment Forum Dont use PPP, only fools use that. use currency exchange. Whats your point? divide Colombo GDP by its population you get $48,000. You know how much I make?
  8. Mahinda18

    Should Sri lanka withdraw from SAARC?

    Also I think our army is too large with lack of funding makes its ineffiecnt, and not practical. We should scale down the army from 250,000 active, to around 10,000. and maintain current levels of defence expenditure. This should give a per troop spending of that any modern army of around...
  9. Mahinda18

    Should Sri lanka withdraw from SAARC?

    Sri lanka isn't that poor, Its middle income. Thats only cos of the northern and eastern parts. If you check a new IMF report, Its not allowing me post links here, donno why. It says more than 50% of Sri lanka's economy comes from Colombo. If you work out Colombo Income levels works out to...
  10. Mahinda18

    Should Sri lanka withdraw from SAARC?

    I agree, I dont about the india. But SAARC diffidently should be dismantled. I wish I could, but unfortunately i'm not president. G20 is just large economies, the 20 largest economy, that's it. Thats not good bet. I could live that that :smitten: But out doubt it'll happen. NATO is...
  11. Mahinda18

    Should Sri lanka withdraw from SAARC?

    Dont be crazy :cheesy:
  12. Mahinda18

    Should Sri lanka withdraw from SAARC?

    I'm not saying we should join 1st world countries, I'm just saying quit SAARC first then, count your options. Seriously, who actually thinks SAARC has a future? you have to be out of mind. SAARC is more like a holiday for Mahinda, to go around party then sit around listening to some guy at...
  13. Mahinda18

    Should Sri lanka withdraw from SAARC?

    Size of economy is irrelevant, when measuring low income. You can collnozie and entire planet fill with 1000 trillion people, and feed them 10 Rs worth of rice daily. then have an economy of $10 trillion USD which means nothing, as its still low income. Sri lanka is middle income.
  14. Mahinda18

    Should Sri lanka withdraw from SAARC?

    What!!:hitwall: My taxes pay for thier 2 Billion and 1.5 Billion Rs tax free pay cheques with free dental and medical!!! My opinion sure does matter!!!:flame::flame:
  15. Mahinda18

    Should Sri lanka withdraw from SAARC?

    I'm not saying join NATO. Just quit SAARC first, then count your options.
  16. Mahinda18

    Should Sri lanka withdraw from SAARC?

    whats BRIC? We need to be part of a group like NATO, that do things so efficiently. EDIT: No not BRIC, we need to make a group with countries like, USA, Australia, Canada, UK, New Zealand. But they already have a group among themselves.I think the UKUSA community and NATO are by far the best...
  17. Mahinda18

    Should Sri lanka withdraw from SAARC?

    Thanks :) a friend suggested it me. I think this forum is much better than the Bangladesh defence forum. The Bangladesh forum wouldn't even let me view their topics without paying them money. crazy :S :S I know this going a bit off topic, but can some tell me how I can update the details of my...
  18. Mahinda18

    Should Sri lanka withdraw from SAARC?

    Hello, I think Sri lanka is wasting its time and money by being a member SAARC. If you look at it, all the SAARC countries are 3rd world and most of them are low income countries. How are you suppose to become 'good' when you hang around the 'bad'? we are wasting Billions of Rs to be...
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