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  1. P

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    LMAO, whatever. Riyadh MUST DIE :) It's a terrorist state. You need to understand that Iran, Iraq, Syria and Algeria does NOT like YOU. Neither did Saddam or Quadaffi when they were alive. But, yeah, Al-Qaida loves you, lol.
  2. P

    US losing economic war and Asia loves it.

    It is not because of China that the U.S. is in deep financial sh#t; it's because of their socalled democracy with two political parties who are more or less the same, and which are payed for by lobbyists for their political campaigns. If the World truly had "free economy", with no countries...
  3. P

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    Sorry to say, but Iraq is not going to get any Rafale or Typhoons, and not even MiG-35. France/EU will not sell this type of aircraft to Iraq who is an ally of Iran. I support Iraq, and their alliance with Syria and Iran, but France and EU will never allow it. Second of all; Iraq doesn't even...
  4. P

    China All Su-35 news

    R-77M1 is planned for Su-35, which might have up to 160 KM range. PL-12 is very potent, no doubt, but I am more excited about PL-21 which is still in development. I am no expert on AWACS, but are you saying that Russian-imported Su-27, Su-30s in PLAAF cannot send datalink to Chinese AWACS...
  5. P

    China All Su-35 news

    I am sure J-8II can perform something, but between that and Su-35, I'll take Su-35 any day, and I'll rather see 24 Su-35 in service, replacing 48 J-8II in service. Besides, China has only a small number of J-8II, thus the whole J-8 fleet is not good enough for modern warfare. When I count PLAAF...
  6. P

    China All Su-35 news

    For export yes, we agree, I trashed them being good enough against U.S battle fleets. So for that, PLAAF/PLAN need the best they can get. As I mentioned, U.S is selling a lot of older or downgraded stuff, because that's what their customers or allies need, but those customers are not planning...
  7. P

    China All Su-35 news

    Of course, upgraded J-7 and J-8 for some of our allies are good, because they "fit their security profile", or "strategy" if you will. But they don't need to worry about if they will meet Japanese or U.S. Navy, and China's ambition is to be the best. When you soon have the world's biggest...
  8. P

    China All Su-35 news

    Thanks! I am sure they are negotiating about the price, since that is one of the most fundamental parts of a deal of course. So I won't speculate what it is going to cost, but I am sure they will agree as they said by this year's end. China has a lot of cash, and should buy this. Each time I...
  9. P

    China All Su-35 news

  10. P

    Heroes of Tiananmen Square, Where Are They Now

    Wow, a rat can speak. Lol. If you by "pain" mean, me laughing my as-s off, yup :D
  11. P

    Heroes of Tiananmen Square, Where Are They Now

    Haha, says a racist from the "high caste" who looks at their own People like rats. The "untouchables". Such a disgusting democracy. Raping women each day, torturing Dalits, and discriminating many other minorities. We have a lot more self respect than you will ever have. Take a look at the...
  12. P

    Heroes of Tiananmen Square, Where Are They Now

    Lol, aaawwww, poor little thing. How about that deal, you are the biggest democracy, and we can be the biggest economy. WHY don't you like that DEAL? LMAO :D I mean, China is being nice here; imagine if China also took the "biggest democracy" from you, lol. Don't worry, we won't, since we can...
  13. P

    Heroes of Tiananmen Square, Where Are They Now

    Haha, omg, this is way too funny. I love it, hope this can stay so that People can see how racist and ignorant those like you are. Keep on "mate". Lol at "most diverse country in the world".
  14. P

    Heroes of Tiananmen Square, Where Are They Now

    Lol, You gotta love racist Indians. How about we agree on this; you can be the biggest "democracy" and we will soon be the biggest economy in the world, how does that sound? I think it sounds great ;) Seems like you don't like that, why is that? I guess empty words about "democracy" doesn't add...
  15. P

    Heroes of Tiananmen Square, Where Are They Now

    Lol, I "don't know the taste of democracy". Lmao, I live in the stupid West (born in the West, my parents are MIXED marriage) but travel to China twice a year. Been studying in Shanghai for a year(Exchange with my university). I've been to those stupid democracies, and having no food, no job, no...
  16. P

    Heroes of Tiananmen Square, Where Are They Now

    That's why the West and Japan hate China. They can't take it that China is a superpower who soon will be the biggest economy in the world. They can't take it that it is thanks to the CCP and the Chinese People who focus on making China strong, and NOT weak. That's why West/Japan want to insert...
  17. P

    Heroes of Tiananmen Square, Where Are They Now

    What a stupid threat, and I don't usually use strong words. Strange how some countries want to impose "democracy" on China. Lol. I am happy that most Chinese are smart enough to support their government. Siden 1989 we have seen "democracy" in work in Soviet Union which collapsed and is worse...
  18. P

    The Algerian Armed Forces.

    Yes, another 2 MEKO will be built in Algeria, but that is several years down the road. We need to look at what lies ahead (2013-2015). 2 MEKO won't be ready until 2015. Maybe one will be ready in 2015, and another one in 2016. I feel it takes too much time until the deliveries are made. My...
  19. P

    Chinese Navy (PLAN) News & Discussions

    China is ahead or Russia in regards to Navy. Russians have better SSN/SSBN submarines such as Borei and Yasen-class. However, everything else, China is better. China has a good number of stealth destroyers, frigates and Corvettes/missile boats. In addition to all this, China has a lot more SSK...
  20. P

    The Algerian Armed Forces.

    From what I know, it's 2 MEKO from Germany and 3 frigates from China/PRC. That's 5 ships. I don't know of any "cruisers". LPD must be the one from Italy which might be introduced in 2014 or at least by 2015. I have no knowledge of 2nd LPD though. Yes, Algeria wants another 2 Improved...
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