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  1. P

    China Economy Forum

    Yes, definitely, when you take into account unfunded liabilities, which is something that should also be taken into the account. Then numbers are even worse - above 1000% of the U.S. GDP.
  2. P

    China Economy Forum

    Not to mention certain Western countries too, which hope for the same. They should rather worry about the fact that Western countries on average have total debt of 376% of their GDP. Number of the Week: Total World Debt Load at 313% of GDP - Real Time Economics - WSJ Great numbers here...
  3. P

    China All Su-35 news

  4. P

    China All Su-35 news

    Most of us do respect Russians and all opinion polling shows that too. Most Chinese are favorable towards Russians, the same goes the other way around. It's just that some Russian fanboys here cannot accept that China is ahead in many areas. It was the same thing in the 1990s regarding the...
  5. P

    China All Su-35 news

    Hehe, how about this "wonderful flagship" in the Black Sea? I guess it's a flagship of the Black Sea Fleet? lol File: Or this one, from 1983, only 30 years old, lol. File:Slava-Cruiser-DN-SC-86-03642.JPEG - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Don't forget those 200 MiG-29 that can't even fly...
  6. P

    Russia Offers Iran New Replacement for S-300 – Paper

    This sound good. I think Iran should take it, and demand instant delivery of these SAMs. There has been enough waiting already, and the deal was signed back in 2007. Russia should learn from this and deliver S-300 to the Syrian Arab Republic too; however I doubt that will happen.
  7. P

    China All Su-35 news

    The PLA is now operating or developing no less than eight distinct variants or derivatives of the Russian developed Flanker fighter. This is greater diversity in variants of the Flanker than the diversity of the Russian Federation armed forces which operate the Su-27S Flanker B, Su-27UB...
  8. P

    China All Su-35 news

    I am just saying that we are replying in a normal way and with facts. We have admitted several times that Russia is still better at SSN subs. ICBMs; its starting to be even; we have DF-41, JL-2, JL-3 is in development, and you have Bulava and Topol-M. So that's great, I don't see any...
  9. P

    China All Su-35 news

    I am usually for good partnership and friendship with Russia, but your attacks aren't helping. I mean, if he doesn't know what he is talking about; then why so serioooouuussss? As Joker used to say ;) I mean, if you are so sure of the "superiority" of the Russian Air Force (RuAF), then just...
  10. P

    The Algerian Armed Forces.

    Yes, correct. Althought this one will be even bigger, around 2800 ton. It's 2500 standard, so this one is most likely Improved version which Pakistan is also about to get in the near future. It says here 2800 ton. Tigr-class is 1800 ton only, and if Algeria was interested in Tigr, then Algeria...
  11. P

    The Algerian Armed Forces.

    They are already upgraded, but they are getting old so that's why five new ships are on their way from China and Germany by 2015. Those are much more potent compared to those from 1980-1983, even though they were upgraded in 2012/2013. Remember how fast China is building ships for Pakistan. 4...
  12. P

    The Algerian Armed Forces.

    Well, if you take a look at the building speed of these ships, it's totally unacceptable. I am critical to using Wikipedia, because I always check sources and how credible they are. But if this is true, it looks like Russia is using about seven years to build this corvette, which is totally...
  13. P

    The Algerian Armed Forces.

    No, it's 5 ships. 3 frigates from China, 2 German MEKOs + the one from Italy which can operate a few helis on board in addition to being able to carry a battalion. Those 2 Tigr-class corvettes from Russia are not happening since Algeria chose bigger Chinese frigates and increased the number...
  14. P

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    You can "whine" about immaturity as much as you want; I am just brutally honest. Fact hurts, doesn't it? : ) Right, I am "racist", and only water for Egyptians count; not for the Ethiopians; got it!, thanks! Yes, there would be loses on both sides in a war between Israel and Egypt. Israel...
  15. P

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    Oh really; is it for the "protection" of the Egyptian people? I thought it was for bombing Ethiopia. It's what the Morsi-regime is threatening with these days, besides "fighting militants" in Sinai of course. Mark my words; The IAF will ALWAYS have a MASSIVE advantage over Egyptian military and...
  16. P

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    Yes, they are useless against Israeli Air Force. What does Egypt have 220-240 F-16s for? To terrorize Ethiopia ? To fight in Sinai ? LOL. Is this what 220-240 F-16s are for? So you need source that Egyptian F-16s would be slaughtered against Israeli Air Force? Do you think that your 240 F-16s...
  17. P

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    I know that your neighbours have mostly Western equipment; that's why Iraq won't get any. The U.S. doesn't like countries who have a spine such as Iraq, neither did the U.S. like the fact that Iraq didn't let the U.S. have permanent bases there after 2011. Western equipment is only for...
  18. P

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    LOL, you don't produce anything. Just sitting there, and waiting for Westerners to give you things. Which they control ANYWAY. If you ever grow a spine they would cut your country in half; both economically and militarily. Those toys from U.S. would not even work in a fight against the U.S...
  19. P

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    Right, LOL. I am not a muslim, but I know who I support; that would be everyone who is NOT a Islamo-fascist Sunni-regime. I don't know who is worse; KSA or Qatar or the bastard dictator in Bahrain putting down protests with Saudi help. Anyway; can't wait until your oil runs out. According to...
  20. P

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    That sounds good; however it's still an area in chaos if you know what I mean. So selling any high-end fighters is very risky. However, I hope Iraq can take a look at fighters or advanced trainers from Russia or Pakistan. Iraq need fighters fast. Even advanced trainers would be sufficient...
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