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  1. Aeneas

    Chinese Foreign Affairs News & Discussions

    India’s China War by Neville Maxwell,plz read this book and find the truth of China-India border conflict.
  2. Aeneas

    Fifty Years of Democratic Reform in Tibet

    does anybody find any guerrilla in Tibet?just like this. the fact is,few Tibetans feel discontented enough to take arm to fight against CPC.while,many poor indians feel discontented enough to take arm to fight against Indian govt. don't tell me PLA are powerful enough to annihilate all...
  3. Aeneas

    "China is the next great country in the world" - Jim Rogers

    1、USSR was a major power,no matter what conclusion you reached. 2、China is not like USSR,though they are both communism nations.just like Saudi Arabia,Turkey,Pak and Iran are all muslim nations.but they are different.
  4. Aeneas

    "China is the next great country in the world" - Jim Rogers

    yes,but I'm afraid Indian govt may be more uncompromising than Russia when talking about border issue.
  5. Aeneas

    China-Tibet Relations, Past & Present

    1、I doubt if it is ture,I'm impressed very much by the forged video of CNN last year.they had forged evidence deliberately before,why they won't do other scandalous deeds?I really doubt hey will keep making more rumors.and even it is true,further infos is in need.our court-martial will...
  6. Aeneas

    China-Tibet Relations, Past & Present

    then you might waitting for another thousand years,if you guys believe him:rofl:.I'm a common citizen,I know what is the "chaos" look like in China. it's easy to collect 300 letters from a nation with population over 1.3 billion,but if you come to China,you might find it's more easier to...
  7. Aeneas

    China-Tibet Relations, Past & Present

    yes,bigger propaganda,but I really doubt if you hear more voice from this "bigger propagande" than from CNN,BBC.I even doubt if you know how to receive Chinese TV or broadcast?is there any Chinese channel in your TV or radio?is there any Chinese news paper on your table?which is the "bigger...
  8. Aeneas

    China-Tibet Relations, Past & Present

    why so many men just can't judge right or wrong? why you guys whitewash criminals who burn shops and beat up citizens? why you guys don't know Tibet had become part of China even before the time when US was found? why you guys don't know Dalai lama is a criminal of armed rebellion in...
  9. Aeneas

    China in Arabia

    quite unbelievable,there are only 400 million people in the whole China in 1938. the latest date said is 20320 thousand,date of 2000 population census China take population census every 10 years.you may find the date here. National Bureau of Statistics of China
  10. Aeneas

    China-Tibet Relations, Past & Present

    sorry,there are no such kind of freedom in Tibet that you can do every thing.there are no such kind of freedom in other province of China.but we think it's necessary for prevent something even more terrible.In Russia,in US,you can also find these kind of restrict. in fact,there are restrict...
  11. Aeneas

    China in Arabia

    traditionally,most of Chinese don't believe in god,but believe in Saint like Confucius and Mao. now,the situation is chaotic becouse many new ideas come in,but I think psychologically we will return in the future. mainly combo of Confucianism and Communism.my opinion. BTW,there are...
  12. Aeneas

    one of the most sensitive issue debated between China,Koreo and Japan

    a friend in need is the friend indeed.even you Americans would find out who is the real friend in the future.Hillary Clinton just came to Beijing and negotiated with our prime minister Mr.Wen. I think we can not help US economy much,but we will not let it become worse.
  13. Aeneas

    China-Tibet Relations, Past & Present

    yes,there are military and force.but if not,there would be terrist and stowaway.think about what happen in US airport after 9.11. and,Tibet border with India,a nation should deploy military and force near his border.India deploy more army near the border of China.also there are Russia army in...
  14. Aeneas

    China-Tibet Relations, Past & Present

    many Tibetan don't like the idea of being part of China,but not all of them.the same thing like kashimiri. worst than situation of kashimir?no,I don't think so,I heard that many men in kashimiri were killed in past years.explosion,attacking.you said the people in Tibet are "most loving and...
  15. Aeneas

    Indian Army Most Active in Asia: Chinese Paper

    we all have conflicts,not only India,didn't China fight Russia,Vietnam before,we even fight US in Korea before.but China had settled some of them by negotiation ,not by war,Russia,Vietnam,Burma and etc.the only land border issue we have is between India now.the only one. how about India,did...
  16. Aeneas

    is there going to be a Saudi Arabia,Pak,Iraq axis in muslim world

    Iran is so different a country from other muslim world. what is the different between Shia and Sunnite,is there a big valley? i think Saudi has vast of cash,which will help Pak economy a lot.while Pak has large numbers of talented person.the economy structure should be complementary.
  17. Aeneas

    Indian Army Most Active in Asia: Chinese Paper

    invisible,that's the only words you can find in your dictionary.I think the Iraq WMD is the most sophisticated weapon in the world,because they are invisible.you can't find them out even you dig into the earth until you see the other side of this planet.
  18. Aeneas

    Who lost Turkey?

    Turkey lost himself by taking incorrect strategy.
  19. Aeneas

    Pakistans All weather Friend

    christian graham stein,he came to india to preach christianity among poor people.he along with his family was burned alive,hindus killed him,also his whole family. is that true?then how about imam of muslim in India.
  20. Aeneas

    is there going to be a Saudi Arabia,Pak,Iraq axis in muslim world

    is there going to be a Saudi Arabia,Pak,Iraq axis in muslim world,and become the real leader of muslim world.after US army retreat from Iraq.
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