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  1. Aeneas

    Chinese Foreign Affairs News & Discussions

    not exactly,there are no caste system in China in history.the problem is between landlords and peasants and serfs.if a peasant became rich,there would be no problem for him to became landlord as well as other landlords.money talk.no bias for his born.:cheers:
  2. Aeneas

    China-Tibet Relations, Past & Present

    isn't this figures the version of Indian govt?should we said this figures be indulging in propoganda of Indian imperialistic intentions? OK,even I believe there had been Indian imperialistic intention indulging this figure of 43000.I would never tend to believe something like one million...
  3. Aeneas

    Chinese Foreign Affairs News & Discussions

    yes,there are ethnic prejudice in China,but not the kind you know in other nation. go to China,and ask a pair of husband and wife,if one of them is han,one of them is minority.ask them whether they would let their children sign up hukou as han or minority.
  4. Aeneas

    Chinese Foreign Affairs News & Discussions

    yes,in fact,I'm not very satisfied about media controll of my govt too.always we said China had many problem of himself. but I witness the restrict relax step by step in past years. and,I don't know there have been state controlled media of 70's & 80's in your country.what about it?
  5. Aeneas

    Chinese Foreign Affairs News & Discussions

    yes,but people always trend to focus on sensational news,even it is not true.that is the bad part of humanity.
  6. Aeneas

    China-Tibet Relations, Past & Present

    have a test,see what is the result,it would be interesting for you. I had no intent to read others.one million death of Tibetans.what a joke?do you know how many people are there in Tibet now?2810 thousand,do you know how many people in Tibet at time of 1949,1140 thousand.1964,1250...
  7. Aeneas

    China-Tibet Relations, Past & Present

    free tibet yes,I can't reach it. and would you do me a favor to have a test,please thread the article in this website without changing any words or add any words.and watch what would happen then. send the article to this website Defense, Military, & Geopolitical Forum...
  8. Aeneas

    Chinese Foreign Affairs News & Discussions

    sometimes,I really doubt if the democratic system is the right tool to deal with this issue.60 years had past.it seemed India keep using a small knife named "democratic system" cut a huge tree named "caste system" for 60 years,and merely cut off a small part of the tree.
  9. Aeneas

    Chinese Foreign Affairs News & Discussions

    yes,that is what I want to say too. to China media,we try to uncover something,to democratic free media,we try to find out which is lie or exaggerate. because if China media don't cover up something,they will meet trouble from govt.if democratic free media don't lie or exaggerate,they will...
  10. Aeneas

    Chinese Foreign Affairs News & Discussions

    the best part of the foreign policy of China is "never do the things exceed our national strength".so we will not plan to control Indian Ocean.you may think it is stupid for China to plan control Indian Ocean now,facing so many troubles.so,China govt know that clearly at least as well as you.
  11. Aeneas

    China-Tibet Relations, Past & Present

    than,how do you know naxals use Chinese made weapons,by what %?I think if they had got weapon all from Chinese,Indian army will lost many more soldier lives.don't you think Indian army and govt are too stupid to take action to prevent it happen? if you want to know the % of Chinese people who...
  12. Aeneas

    China-Tibet Relations, Past & Present

    there are always someone feel bad in a nation,but percentage and level is the point.falun gong is not popular enough to do that.because most Chinese people are not dissatisfied enough to follow it. I watch foreign media too.I always said i can read both Chinese and English,you can't read...
  13. Aeneas

    China-Tibet Relations, Past & Present

    ok,we may discuss.but before it,something must be done. I tell you DALAI LAMA is an unconfessed criminal who had led an armed rebellion in 1959.a criminal must confess his crime to court. It's not about "the intransigence of the CPC regime",it's about legal procedure.He may be pardon from...
  14. Aeneas

    China-Tibet Relations, Past & Present

    last month,I watch a program,Ukraine officals said they will take some action to restrict falun gong in their nation. do you ever know Japanese Aum Doomsday Cult?China govt believe falun gong is the a organization likewise.
  15. Aeneas

    China-Tibet Relations, Past & Present

    so,you think Indians in those red area are not peaceful people,they are born to be aggressive people.why,tell me?wasn't India the cradleland of peaceful religion? what a joke?these is because dalai lama.we all know dalai lama is the only risk of Tibet.let's see if Tibet would be more peaceful...
  16. Aeneas

    China-Tibet Relations, Past & Present

    I should remind you,my friend,in revolution age,the policy of CPC is support poor people against rich people.not in contrast. and does anybody find any guerrilla in Tibet?just like this.tell me,how many poor people were killed in these red area by Indian army? the fact is,few Tibetans feel...
  17. Aeneas

    China-Tibet Relations, Past & Present

    because dalai lama was polite and calm in india,so he is a good man in Tibet,so the letter evidence about human blood,skulls and skin never exist.do you mean that? hey,boy,do you still watching cartoon movies?do you think all bad guys are looking ugly and aggressive like in cartoon movie...
  18. Aeneas

    China-Tibet Relations, Past & Present

    yes,very interesting,does anybody have opportunity to ask dalai lama himself if it is truth.if he deny,let's ask China govt show the evidence. let's find out who is liar. it's not merely propaganda,it's China govt Declaration War of Debate with dalai lama.
  19. Aeneas

    Chinese Foreign Affairs News & Discussions

    why not tell all truth?India has military ties with US and USSR,how could poor Pakistan do?it is your Indians pressured Pakistan become ally of China. Myanmar become ally of China because US pressure,you know Myanmar had to move the capitol for fear of US attack,so,how could poor Myanmar do...
  20. Aeneas

    China-Tibet Relations, Past & Present

    look here if you want to know the real face of dalai lama People's Daily Online - Home Page A religious ceremony for the Dalai Lama used human blood, skulls and skin, showing how cruel and bloody the feudal serfdom system under theocracy was in old Tibet, revealed in the white paper titled...
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