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  1. IndianTiger

    Chinese ship carrying arms detained by India.

    cheap quality arms.. we must relese useless stuff copy and paste tech of no use.
  2. IndianTiger

    How to solve terrorism in Pakistan?

    It takes Courage to adress such issuse. Some steps can be taken such as. 1. Removal of Madarsa Education 2. Ban on extremist org. 3. Secularism 4. Motivation to tech. Education. 5. Creation of job opportunities. 6. Large trade volume. 7. Good HDI
  3. IndianTiger

    India-England Final

    who told u?
  4. IndianTiger

    Indian retailer Raymond opens in Pakistan

    Pakistan's people must be feeling great as they are geting access to world class Indian brand.
  5. IndianTiger

    Indian retailer Raymond opens in Pakistan

    Now Pakistanis can also become complete man. As "the complete man" is tag line of Raymonds.
  6. IndianTiger

    Indian retailer Raymond opens in Pakistan

    we also have coffee cafe day in karachi.
  7. IndianTiger

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 5]

    can anybody tell me about the technical reason behind Jf crash. I mean official statement kind of thing.
  8. IndianTiger

    Swat - The Switzerland of Pakistan

    this place look like haven i guess it has huge potential for tourism but terrorism dominates pakistan. So where there is terrorism there is no tourism..
  9. IndianTiger

    Afghan Students in trouble in Indian universities

    you are right this is game of pakistani media to damage indias reputation on the basis of one incident they titled the post as Afghan Students in trouble in Indian universities. Its useless propaganda..
  10. IndianTiger

    Afghan Students in trouble in Indian universities

    India is best for afgan student as compare to bomb blasting Pakistan. Its fact guys. India is Number one destination for Afgan Students.
  11. IndianTiger

    Afghan Students in trouble in Indian universities

    hamid karzai completed his study from India.
  12. IndianTiger

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    need confirmation
  13. IndianTiger

    Shoaib Akhter first bowling against Tendulkar

    i remember that six too.
  14. IndianTiger

    Modi invited to attend European Parliament

    modi lao desh bachao.
  15. IndianTiger

    HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions

    Indian Air Force wants to fill gas which will be created by phasing out Mig21, so LCA will be a great bird for that.
  16. IndianTiger

    Pakistan approves Gwadar port transfer to China

    first pakistan helped US in Afgan war by offering land nw doing same mistake, china is a nation which always look for profit they never helped pakistan in loss making situation. Expample 1971 war. I think strategically its good move by Pakistan in which profit goes to China.
  17. IndianTiger

    India's Astra BVRAAM Flight Firing This Year

    Aero India 2013 afforded the first view of a full-scale model of India's Astra BVRAAM. In an interview to a newspaper recently, DRDO chief V.K. Saraswat said 2013 was 'Astra Year' for the agency as the missile would finally see flight trials. The missile has already been tested from a ground...
  18. IndianTiger

    Avic Y-20 Airlifter Awaits Better Engines

    they can copy C 17 Globemaster III Engines. .as they copied whole C17.
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