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  1. kingofkings

    AMCA :: Fifth Generation Fighter Under Development in India

    I'm extremely Glad to see you back sir .... We have missed a lot of your :sniper:lately ....
  2. kingofkings

    Telangana divide

    Telangana Due to this issue many IT firms, many manufacturing firms etc investments have been shifted and may more losses have been already done. If you are living in Hyderabad, you can see that the whole city is fully confused either to invest in some land or to sell it out, even with the...
  3. kingofkings

    The first J20 plane taxiing cell phone video high-speed!

    It looks amazing .... the Chinese engineers have done one heck of a job .... It looks similar to 5th gen fighters and also the size of a bomber !!!! So Is it a bomber or a fighter jet ????
  4. kingofkings

    India's First Warship Design House

    Steel Cut On India's First Warship Design House Indian Defence Minister AK Antony will formally put down the foundation stone to NIRDESH India's first warship research and design institute about a half-hour from now in Kerala. According to an MoD press release a couple of days ago...
  5. kingofkings

    FGFA vs J-XX

    Then why this BS !!!! Hope you got the point from your own words.
  6. kingofkings

    "Muslim" Think Tank To PAF: Get UCAVs To Counter IAF Strength

    Source :- https://sites.google.com/site/plamkiigs/UCAVFutureofAirWarfareFinalStandard.pdf?attredirects=0&d=1 So he's suggesting this to PAF !!!!
  7. kingofkings

    "Muslim" Think Tank To PAF: Get UCAVs To Counter IAF Strength

    In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. GrandeStrategy Institute www.GrandeStrategy.com APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE, DISTRIBUTION IS UNLIMITED STRATEGY PAPER UCAVs: The Future of Air Warfare 26th December, 2010 Meinhaj Hussain Defense Analyst Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Email...
  8. kingofkings

    India Hostage To Russia ?

    U thnk it to be junk !!!! Then what to you call the things which are made by reverse engg the same junk ???? :whistle: Super junk ? ultra junk ?
  9. kingofkings

    Wikileaks: India’s Muslim population largely unattracted to extremism

    I totally agree with the article .... People outside the India have no idea about Indian Muslims they just observe Kashmir and some incidents and come to a conclusion that Indian Muslims may not be treated well. But guess what, they share equal rights and more importantly you can see many...
  10. kingofkings

    Israel Wants More Stealth Fighters

    So your point ???? ( on topic ) And on wat you said I thought Pak was so !!!!
  11. kingofkings

    DRDO to develop hack-proof websites

    At least they try on their own .... Success is not achieved over night .... May be we fail tryin it 100 diff ways but we'll definitely succeed on the 101 trial .... We are optimistic.
  12. kingofkings

    Indian Defence Minister not Satisfied with Pace of Modernisation

    I think MOD have been thinking wisely by concentrating much on Navy and Air force. By considering forces like USN, USAF and IsAF etc it's much evident that these are the forces which should play a major role in order to avoid sacrifice of many soldiers.
  13. kingofkings

    HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions

    Tejas Clears All Low-level Flight Test Points Word just in that the LCA Tejas has completed all test points for low-level flight off the coast of Goa towards initial operational clearance. The first flight of the LCA Navy is expected soon. More details when they're in. Livefist - Indian...
  14. kingofkings

    Does the PN need an aircraft carrier?

    You should wish for development of your own country rather than wishin for others destruction. Hope you'll feel safe with Americans and Chinese in your backyard. Some times wishing sometin beyond your reach will lead to your self destruction.
  15. kingofkings

    US Firm Keen On Our Explosive Detection Kit

    DRDO: US Firm Keen On Our Explosive Detection Kit [DRDO Press Statement]: An American firm has shown keen interest in an Explosive Detection Kit (EDK) developed by India's Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO). An agreement on transfer of technology is likely to be signed soon...
  16. kingofkings

    Hijacked BD Ship in Somalia

    Don't make a fool of yourself .... Indian ocean is not the size of your back yard and Indian navy is not the only one which is operating in Indian ocean .... Your comments are so insane that you possible next comment would be " I lost my phone on the planet in which India exists ". :hitwall:
  17. kingofkings

    A day after Varanasi blast, Hindus and Muslims show united face

    wow U hav a gud poet in U divya .... nd U completely shattered it :devil:.... gud goin .....
  18. kingofkings

    India's first warship design centre to reduce dependency

    Particularly I'm very much glad by the way the Indian Navy is progressing. The other defense dept should set similar standards by delivering promises in time. Waiting for the day when IN will be declared a " BLUE NAVY".
  19. kingofkings

    Pakistan should replace F-16 with F-35 ?

    Sure what ever gives you gud night slp buddy. But at the end of the day we are getting high end tech
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