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  1. Mercenary

    Indian deputy consul general arrested in US on visa fraud charges

    So this so called diplomat wasn't even a diplomat but a counselor worker and thus doesn't have diplomatic immunity. Not only that she flew a maid all the way from India to take care of child instead of hiring one locally in New York and not only that enslaved her and paid her below minimum wage...
  2. Mercenary

    "Arash" Iran's New Air Defense Radar

    This represents ZERO threat to Arab, Israel and USA.
  3. Mercenary

    Indian deputy consul general arrested in US on visa fraud charges

    Oops I meant to say enforced :D
  4. Mercenary

    Waar’s sequel will be shot all around the world

    I assume CIA and America will be the bad guys this time :D
  5. Mercenary

    Indian deputy consul general arrested in US on visa fraud charges

    Absolutely. Next time US Diplomats are forging documents to so that they can bring maids from USA so that they can work below minimum wage while stationed India, India can use its own laws which protect the rights of Maids and prosecutes the guilty party against these American Diplomats. Oops...
  6. Mercenary

    Indian deputy consul general arrested in US on visa fraud charges

    Being strip searched and locked up are proper legal proceedings when they arrest people in the United States. She is not above the law and I see no controversy in this matter. This is yet another humble pie that Indians are forced to eat after thinking that Bollywood, and out Sourcing some how...
  7. Mercenary

    ‘US war with Pakistan would be too messy, too dangerous, too awful’

    If you guys were smart you would get China and Saudi Arabia on board to put pressure on Pakistan to take out these Jihadist menace. If China and Saudi Arabia turn against Pakistan's jihadist nonsense then Pakistan will have no choice but to act against these terrorists.
  8. Mercenary

    No scope of Pakistan winning war in my lifetime, says Prime Minister

    When has Pakistan ever won a war against India?
  9. Mercenary

    'Lot to Learn from Israel'

    I love Israel and the Israeli People.
  10. Mercenary

    Pakistani mega hit film ‘'Waar'’ | Reviews & Discussions.

    The people who made the movie are young, hip, educated and even they succumbed to the nonsense of blaming India for TTP. They had an opportunity to actually educate the Pakistani youth that all this terrorism emanating from Pakistan is Pakistan's ridiculous Jihad policy and yet they made a...
  11. Mercenary

    “Fast And Furious” Star Paul Walker Dies In Car Crash

    I am devastated by this death. I was a huge huge fan of the Fast and Furious Movies. I grew up watching those movies. I havent been this sad over a death of a celebrity since Princess Diana died.
  12. Mercenary

    Happy Hanukkah from Pakistan to Jewish people around the world

    Impressive. Even by wishing Jewish people Happy Hanukkah you can be branded a traitor in Pakistan.
  13. Mercenary

    Mullah Fazlullah reaches North Waziristan

    ISI is too heavily involved in political assassinations, rigging elections to do any actual intelligence work on actual threats to Pakistan. How sad is it that not a single TTP leader was killed by Pakistani forces. All of them were killed by American drones.
  14. Mercenary

    Hakimullah's death plunges TTP into dangerous disarray

    Since Pakistan Army won't kill them, then I have no problem with US drones doing the dirty work.
  15. Mercenary

    Hakimullah's death plunges TTP into dangerous disarray

    There is no negotiations with these terrorist animals. Just like Nazi Germany or Imperial Japan. These animals must surrender unconditionally.
  16. Mercenary

    Pakistan Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud killed in drone strike.

    TTP and Afghan Taliban both need to wiped from the face of the earth.
  17. Mercenary

    Pakistan Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud killed in drone strike.

    Nonsense. Drone strikes are highly effective in taking out terrorists and this myth that more people join the Taliban due to drone strikes does not hold up. In 2010 there were 122 Drone Strikes, the highest ever. In 2011, there was a 50% drop in terrorist attacks in Pakistan. Which disproves...
  18. Mercenary

    Pakistan Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud killed in drone strike.

    Awesome News. Its sad that US Military is doing the job of what Pakistani Military should be doing. As for peace talks, that is a total joke. These guys need to be eradicated not treated as equals. Another reason why I totally 100% support drone strikes.
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