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  1. Mercenary

    TTP finalises 15 point draft for talks

    What is Zaid Hamid's opinion on all this? He has claimed that TTP are funded by RAW.
  2. Mercenary

    Abdul Aziz is going to resign as TTP negoitator

    Negotiating with the Taliban is actually good. It will show ordinary Pakistanis how futile it is to negotiate with these animals. So when the Army launches its operation in these areas, the critics won't cry foul and say that they should have negotiated with them. I think this is a healthy...
  3. Mercenary

    TTP finalises 15 point draft for talks

    So what is the latest on these negotiations? This will be quite interesting to watch. :pop:
  4. Mercenary

    TTP finalises 15 point draft for talks

    Where is Government of Pakistan list of demands?
  5. Mercenary

    In 2030, Pakistan will be the largest Muslim-majority country with 245 million people.

    Pakistan does not have enough land to support this many people. This uncontrolled population growth will cause more chaos in Pakistan and more ethnic, sectarian and civil strife as people fight over depleting resources.
  6. Mercenary

    Constitution of Pakistan guarantees Shariah: Imran

    I think this debate about Pakistan turning to a Sharia Sunni Extremist State is healthy for Pakistanis. Pakistanis need to do some deep soul searching to figure out what kind of country it wants to be. Lets see what the end result is for these negotiations and especially what points Pakistanis...
  7. Mercenary

    Constitution of Pakistan guarantees Shariah: Imran

    As long as you can guarantee that the terrorists will stay within Pakistan. If not, then Pakistan's ridiculous policies become my headache as well.
  8. Mercenary

    Pakistan would soon emerge as a great country: Saudi Prince

    Not sure what Benazir and Shias and Iran have to do with Pakistan being Saudi Arabia's bitch. But whatever floats your boat.
  9. Mercenary

    Constitution of Pakistan guarantees Shariah: Imran

    No the problem is that Pakistan's internal problems effect everyone else in the world as well. If there was no Al Qaeda in Pakistan then I wouldn't care if Pakistan was taken over by the Taliban. Its the problem that the Taliban give shelter to Al Qaeda to plan global terrorist attacks becomes...
  10. Mercenary

    ‘USA’ be declared Anglo-Saxon-Occupied-Red-Indians (Native American) territory

    Then start threads on Germany oppressing the Jews, Mongols invading Asia, Arabs enslaving Africans, Roman wars against Jews, Roman-Barbarian Wars, Persians oppressing the Greeks, and god knows what else. You are nothing more a troll who started this stupid thread to flame.
  11. Mercenary

    Pakistan would soon emerge as a great country: Saudi Prince

    Benazir didn't pass nuclear technology to Iran. It was done by AQ Khan himself. When you have to fly to Saudi Arabia to be shown to the Pakistani public that Saudis are approving of you. Thats called being a bitch of someone. Musharraf, Nawaz Sharif, Zardari all had to get Saudi Arabia's...
  12. Mercenary

    Pakistan would soon emerge as a great country: Saudi Prince

    Canada pursues an independent foreign policy. It fought side by side with USA in World War II, Korea and Afghanistan. It didnt send troops to Vietnam or Iraq. Canadian Prime Minister don't go running to USA to shore up themselves domestically which is what Pakistani leaders have to do by...
  13. Mercenary

    ‘USA’ be declared Anglo-Saxon-Occupied-Red-Indians (Native American) territory

    Good for you but you are 200-300 years too late. Why don't you instead focus your energies on persecution that's occurring in the present than worrying about something that happened 300 years ago.
  14. Mercenary

    Iranian warships to sail close to US

    My guess the Iranian Navy Commander will defect. Kinda reminds me of Hunt for Red October :D
  15. Mercenary

    Iranian warships to sail close to US

    Does the Iranian Navy have a death wish? If any of these Iranian ships come close to an American Ship or even accidentally cross into US Territorial waters, they will be sunk by US Subs.
  16. Mercenary

    ‘USA’ be declared Anglo-Saxon-Occupied-Red-Indians (Native American) territory

    That was because Native Americans didn't have good immune systems when they were exposed to the Europeans. So they were exposed to diseases such as small pox, etc. which led to them dying. And why are you so concerned about Native Americans?
  17. Mercenary

    Pakistan would soon emerge as a great country: Saudi Prince

    Pakistan will emerge as a great nation when it stops being the bitch of Saudi Arabia
  18. Mercenary

    Constitution of Pakistan guarantees Shariah: Imran

    Obviously opposing. Imran Khan is a total bozo who is in over his head when it comes to TTP. Negotiations with these animals is not the answer. Only brute force to finally subdue and wipe these animals is the answer.
  19. Mercenary

    Constitution of Pakistan guarantees Shariah: Imran

    Glad my parents left Pakistan.
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