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  1. Mercenary

    Hamas Kills 6 Suspected Israel Collaborators: Witnesses (GRAPHIC PHOTO)

    The fact remains that the Arab and Islamic World is the most anti-Jewish region on the planet and perhaps only rivals Nazi Germany in their hatred of Jews. The only way the Arabs respect Israel is through the use of its military might. If in the future the Arabs develop military forces...
  2. Mercenary

    Iran-Pakistan Pipeline: News & Discussions

    Its sad to see Iran which is under global sanctions but still has the capacity to give money to Pakistan. It should be the other way around. Just sad.
  3. Mercenary

    Flatten Gaza: Gilad Sharon

    Killed Prophets? Besides Mohammed, Adam, Abraham, all the other Prophets mentioned in the Quran are Jewish.
  4. Mercenary

    Hamas TV to Israelis: We "love death more than you love life"

    If Hamas is claiming that they love death more than Israelis love life, then why is Hamas complaining about their casualties? Hamas deliberately uses build up populated areas as staging areas to fire rockets so that incoming Israeli fire will kill civilians and give Israel bad press. Hamas...
  5. Mercenary

    Flatten Gaza: Gilad Sharon

    Flattening Gaza is not an option. Israel needs to build sufficient defensive counter-measures which will neutralize all incoming threats from the Palestinians. Once that is accomplished, then Palestinians will have no choice but to accept Israel. Right now Palestinians are still being...
  6. Mercenary

    Hamas TV to Israelis: We "love death more than you love life"

    The fact of the matter is that Israel will never ever be accepted by the Arab World. To maintain Israel, they have to do it by force. What Israel needs to do is dis-engage from the West Bank the way it did from the Gaza Strip. It has build a Wall which has prevented all suicide bombings. Now...
  7. Mercenary

    Realistic Solution to palestinian problem?

    Here is what needs to happen: 1 - Israel needs to withdraw from all of the occupied territories including the West Bank and divide and share Jerusalem. 2 - Palestinians need to give up the right to return to Israel. 3 - Israel needs to build a tunnel linking Gaza with West Bank. 4 - Arab...
  8. Mercenary

    Flatten Gaza: Gilad Sharon

    Israel built the Wall in West Bank which prevented suicide bombings. Now it is deploying the Iron Dome System which will shoot down all incoming rockets. When the Palestinians will have no way of attacking Israel, then there will be peace.
  9. Mercenary

    Indians arrested for Facebook post on Mumbai shutdown

    Btw, who is the next person in line after Bal Thackrey?
  10. Mercenary

    Pictures from Gaza, attack by Savage Israel before their election in Jan

    No, it just shows how you how intellectually bankcrupt you guys are that you can't even disern which pictures belong to which conflict. If someone told you that the Earth used to be flat and the Jews and Israel made it round, you would probably start a thread on that too. :D
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