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  1. Mercenary

    Is Malala a Conspiracy???

    And that ladies and gentlemen is how you OWNED someone :D Good job Oscar
  2. Mercenary

    US sending 20 more F-16s to Egypt, despite turmoil in Cairo

    JF-17 and J-10 would get blown out of the sky by the Israeli Air Force. These two birds are simply not advanced enough to compete or challenge the Israeli Air Force. F-16 is a much more formidable foe to the Israeli Air Force.
  3. Mercenary

    Emerging Pakistani Taliban chief to focus on Afghan war

    CENTCOM, I was being sarcastic. :D
  4. Mercenary

    Is Malala a Conspiracy???

    People in Pakistan don't know anything. Every person living on every street corner has an absurd conspiracy theory for everything. Mukhtar Mai was gang raped on orders of village elders. Since it brought bad publicity to Pakistan and thus this nonsense that the rape never happened. Same with...
  5. Mercenary

    Is Malala a Conspiracy???

    Mukhtar Mai was never raped and now is head of a crime syndicate? :rofl: What else can they do? They can't come to grips with the fact there is something fundamentally wrong in this country. So obviously they leech onto conspiracy theories that everything that bad happens in Pakistan has...
  6. Mercenary

    US air strike kills al Qaeda leader in Pakistan

    Actually no. Their effectiveness decreases each time one of their head honchos gets taken out. You will notice a trend, as drone strikes went up, terrorist attacks in Pakistan went down. Its like an economics graph, as price goes up, demand goes down. Same applies here. Sometimes blood has...
  7. Mercenary

    Emerging Pakistani Taliban chief to focus on Afghan war

    You Claim CNN is Propaganda and yet quote from Indian Express when it suits your needs. You Claim that ISI some how managed to fool CIA into killing one of their own assets without explaining how. You Claim that TTP is being supported by USA and yet not a single iota of evidence to back that...
  8. Mercenary

    US air strike kills al Qaeda leader in Pakistan

    Good Job USA. Hundreds of Pakistani lives have been saved by taking out these barbaric beasts who would be otherwise busy planning attacks.
  9. Mercenary

    Emerging Pakistani Taliban chief to focus on Afghan war

    So basically you have no rebuttal but instead dwelled into personal insults. No wonder why you are peddling such absurd nonsense. :D Pakistan didn't do what exactly? Hide Him? US found no proof from Bin Laden's compound that was being hidden by ISI. It just proved that ISI had its priorities...
  10. Mercenary

    Canadian Federal government cancels F-35 fighter purchase

    The fundamental flaw in this plane is that the planners want it to be a ground attack fighter and an air superiority fighter with variants that can be launched from both Land Bases and Air craft Carriers. It was absolutely an idiotic idea. F-35 should have been kept as a Ground Attack...
  11. Mercenary

    Priyanka Chopra named world's sexiest Asian woman

    Must be a lot of bored Indian Programmers at work who voted for her. :D
  12. Mercenary

    Emerging Pakistani Taliban chief to focus on Afghan war

    :rofl: Afghan and Pak Taliban have launched multiple attacks together. A recent one killed 17 Pakistani Soldiers. And do you have any proof on how ISI managed to fool CIA into killing their own strategic asset? :lol: I would assume that CIA should know where their strategic assets reside. Or...
  13. Mercenary

    Emerging Pakistani Taliban chief to focus on Afghan war

    Thanks Humanfirst. I was going to write a long response to SMC but good to see you have shut him up. Conspiracy Theories has become a national pastime in Pakistan. They can't blame themselves for the abysmal state of affairs in Pakistan and thus invent conspiracy theories to blame everyone...
  14. Mercenary

    Pakistani blind cricket player served glass of acid

    And then what happens?
  15. Mercenary

    Emerging Pakistani Taliban chief to focus on Afghan war

    Then why doesn't the good Taliban (the ones that fight Americans, NATO, Israel, Jews, Hindus, Hindu-Zionists, etc.) in Afghanistan fight these American backed Mercenaries, the TTP, who are killing their noble and righteous Islamic Brothers in the Islamic Cause Vanguard State of Pakistan? How...
  16. Mercenary

    America’s latest TV fixation: Nuclear war in Pakistan

    The show has already been cancelled. These guys do well on Cable not on Network TV.
  17. Mercenary

    Emerging Pakistani Taliban chief to focus on Afghan war

    So Christian USA and Hindu India was able to convince a bunch of Hardline Islamists to kill other Muslims in Pakistan Interesting :D
  18. Mercenary

    Emerging Pakistani Taliban chief to focus on Afghan war

    So in other words you admit the TTP turned their guns on Pakistan because Pakistan lost control of these snakes? :D Rather than a ridiculous conspiracy theory that India and America created a seperate Tribal Force and brainwashed them into attacking fellow Muslims.
  19. Mercenary

    Emerging Pakistani Taliban chief to focus on Afghan war

    Now why would the CIA, Mossad and RAW backed, equipped, trained, armed, fed, led, TTP, focus on attacking Americans in Afghanistan rather than attack the leader of the Islamic World, Pakistan? This question needs to be asked to all kooks who still believe this nonsensical garbage that America...
  20. Mercenary

    Israel ahead of US in race to supply ‘tank-killer’ missiles to India

    I have a vendetta against stupid people
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